The reason why I think Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decided to inform people, about historical events in form of multimodal texts was, due to the reason it was way much more easier for a lot of people to understand the problem. For the people who wanted to inform the public it seemed much easier for them to take somthing someone experiences, sees or does on a daily bases, or at least seen it once in their life time. For example the one with the mouse and the rat it was being compared to the nazis and Jewish people that were being killed in concentration camps in world war two. It’s basically like the mouse and cat the cat will try to go after the mouse, its somthing someone would know by not thinking so deep into it. Yes this viewing these imagines and short film does impact the way I will understand the situation because, it’s taking other things into count like you understand the situation more if the author takes somthing that your already used to, which you feel a lot more connected to the situation.

I do remember working on a piece like this back in high school about four years ago, we had to write a song/ or poem, about slavery in the early 1800s, but we had to convert certain pieces of the constitution and translate that into the way we speak now. I got to tell you it was not easy to translate certain things and then put it into a poem and make it sound good. At the end of the day I still ended up having a good grade, and was really fun to do. I was worried I wouldn’t know how to make an argument and defend it the way I wanted to.