
Facts about School Bullies and Bullying Behaviors. (2015, June & July). Retrieved March 06, 2017,


This study examines the impact that peer group has on bullying in childhood. The authors used 351 school children aged 18-13 years old. Out of these numbers, 181 were female school children and 170 were male school children. The authors also made use of peer reports purposely to determine student’s involvement in matters regarding bullying. Bullying questionnaires with questions about bullying in the school environment were used to assess bullying involvement. Eleven of these questionnaires were filler items, whereas all the others were used to assess particular bullying items. Results showed that members of the similar group have similar bullying characteristics. The research also found that bullying was greater whenever it was endorsed by a group of individuals rather than one individual. Arguably, these research findings indicated something regarding how people conceptualize bullying. Perhaps, bullying like a group phenomenon, means that it is important to focus on groups rather than individuals while preventing its spread. However, the research noted a need for further studies on bullying and the significance of peer groups I bullying.


As a kid, I was harmed and humiliated that I originated from a broken family. I was significantly more embarrassed to concede how I was feeling about my life since appearing or conveying feelings was an indication of shortcoming, or so I thought.


“School bullying refers to all types of bullying done on school property, whether it is peer-to-peer bullying, bullying of younger children by older children, or bullying in which a teacher is either a victim or a culprit. Keep reading for facts about school bullies and bullying behavior.”