What library online database are you most likely to use? Can you see yourself using these databases instead of Google? Why or why not?
Post your brief response in the comment section of this page by Monday, 10/19!
Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020
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The library data base I’m mostly likely to use is the City Tech library database. The City Tech library database has a lot of information that can help me with my paper. To be honest I’m always using google to look up something but google informations is sometimes not accurate. But overall I can see myself using other library database beside google.
The library database I’ll be using for my next project will be City Tech’s library database and The New York Public Library’s database, this is because these databases have what teachers often require , credible sources or scholarly articles that will help develop the body of the work that is being done. I can see myself using these databases instead of google, in fact I have use the city tech library database for my Health Psychology class and its quite easy to do.
The library database I will be using for this upcoming project is the City Tech Library database I might use another like the NY Public Library just to get some more info on the question I will be discussing. The reason why I choose the City Tech Library database was because it is reliable, and informative. Another reason why I choose it was due to the time it took me to find my source I needed which was a lot much easier then google.
yes! I agree with you Andy. The library database is more precise and it is approved by Prof.
The library database I will be using for my Unit 2 writing assignment is the City Tech’s library database (the EBSCOhost), General Science Full Text, and Health Policy Reference Center. I’m using this because this is required from the professor since many of us always use Google when doing research. I can see myself using Google instead of these databases for when I’m doing my own useful research but for classes I can see myself using these databases since they are more accurate with their research compared to Google. However, overall I would choose Google because it’s easier to find the information that you need and it took me a while to figure out and find the sources that I need on the City Tech’s databases.
I know there are a lot of library databases that I could use for my research assignment. I have heard of Google Scholar and I believe it is very reliable. I will be using City Techs library database for my assignment. I would never use Wikipedia because everyone says that site is sketchy. I could see myself using the library online database instead of google. Why, I am choosing these databases because they’re more reliable and accurate. After all, I think Google is very easy to use.
Wikipedia I have also heard is good but to proceed with caution. This is because they allow the public to edit. There have been allegations that some content particular in biographies have editors who constantly monitor and police what is contained within. I have edited a friends biography to make a minor correction. I wondered wow, if I can do it for a correction, someone can do it also for more devious reasons.
I also would use the library database. After being introduced to its availability in this course, I found the content to be well tailored to what I have desire to research. I had been using Google and Google Scholar. As indicated in some posts above, the library appears to have more reliable sources. Some internet searches can be click-bate oriented, with some online content a rehash of the same common theme with new twist to attract attention. What often becomes available is somewhat hollow, no real in-depth critical analysis of the issue.
The library database I will be using for Annotated Bibliography is the City Tech Library database, because it has many reliable resources. I have to admit that Google is more convenient to use than library databases. But I will not use Google for my next research paper because some of the information from Google is not credible. I’ve found two sources that I needed, one is the journal article from Time magazine, and one is news from CBS.
The library database that I am most likely to use is the database for the City Tech library. I’m going to use it because it has a lot of reliable resources. I understand that many libraries (databases) can be used for research tasks. However, City Tech’s library database seems to provide more information.
The online libary data-base that i will be using will be city-tech’s Libary. I’ve been using this online libary for some time now and it’s very reliable, especially in my other classes as well. I will be able to look for journals, articles, but if i need any new information im sure i would use The New York Times, and cbs news. I would use these databases rather than google because they are more reliable in information and timelines.
The online libary data-base that i will be using will be city-tech’s Libary. I’ve been using this online libary for some time now and it’s very reliable, especially in my other classes as well. I will be able to look for journals, articles, but if i need any new information im sure i would use The New York Times, and cbs news. I would use these databases rather than google because they are more reliable in information and timelines.
I will be using the CUNY Library because I found some valuable information. Actually I am quite impressed by how the library is organized and user friendly. I did not have a hard time to find something useful from my topic along with some auxiliary reading for myself.
The two databases provided by Professor did not work. I just realized I should try to use a different browser but at this moment seems that CUNY library is enough. In terms of Google search, I have found some information on very reputable recourses such as Nature, Science AAAS, The Scientific American.
The City Tech Library is a source that I will use for my annotated bibliography research question. It does not carry false information or information that can be edited by anyone. However, at times I find the city tech library to be very hard to navigate unlike google. On the other hand, the more credible and more truthful information is the best sources to rely on. You cannot not rely on opinions and have to focus more on the facts.
Sumon Alam
I can’t see myself using these databases instead of google because library online databases do not have broad articles and news as much as google, google have a lot to offer such as news around the globe and many different articles to research on.