Estarlin De La Rosa

ENG 1121

Professor J.Penner

Final draft 


words counted: 510

Dear Latino Community,

My community for this assignment are Latin American people, why about Latinos? This may be a good question for both you and me. Throughout history the word Latino or Hispanic has been addressed to Spanish-speaking people in the United States and around the world. Personally, this is the best community that you can describe to me because it talks about my roots.

For my Discourse Community I choose a letter format because through this letter I know that I can go further when sending this communication. Every day billions of letters are delivered throughout the world and I believe this community deserves to be heard.

The Latino community varies greatly both in the way it expresses itself in its language, and religion. But it all depends on the country of origin of the individual. Through this research about my community, I was able to learn that many customs are the same as other Latinos. The only thing that changes are the names or the way of preparing some food. For example beans are called “Habichuela” that way in the Dominican Republic, this does not have the same name in Mexico since it is called “Frijoles”.

Likewise, one of the things that describe Latinos outside their country of origin is their charisma and manner of kindness to other people regardless of their religion or skin color. Another way that you can be a test to recognize Latinos is that you like to work to get ahead and help each other.

One of the conflicts that have taken place in the United States is that Latinos are not loved because English is not their first language. There have been many cases of abuse of authority by police, mistreatment and blaming innocent people for not being able to defend themselves. In my opinion I think that is almost the same thing that happens with African Americans that many people do not accept this community because of their skin color. And groups like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) have been created to support this idea of hatred and racism towards African Americans.

Something that we are all experiencing is this pandemic, Latinos have been one of the most impacted by this pandemic. Since many Latino people died as many of the Hispanic community do not have the resources to stay at home during this time. Nor to maintain care to prevent the virus since families are numerous and many even sleep together due to the lack of space and resources.

The Latino or Hispanic community has a number of descriptors to refer to this community. If I could describe this community with just one word it would be “friendly”. Because of his attitude as he had described at the beginning. I hope that in this little writing you can give you an idea of how wonderful the Hispanic community is in the United States.

Thank you! For reading this short essay about the latina discourse community.