Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Rania Mohamed Micro-Activity #11

My topic will be “Black Lives Matter”


-Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international human rights movement from the African-American community that protests and battles brutality and institutional injustice towards black people.

-The movement was only nationally remembered for its marches after the deaths of two African-Americans – Michael Brown and Eric Gardner in 2014.

-BLM is a peaceful movement. With peaceful protests.

-Black Lives Matter does not mean the lives of African Americans are worth more than lives of people of other races.

-On August 9, 2014, just a few weeks after Eric Garner died in New York City, Mike Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was killed by twelve police bullets in Ferguson, St. Louis. The police left his body in the street for four and a half hours, a few steps away from his mother’s home.

-The Founders are committed to creating a movement that relies less on the establishment of the voices of one or a few very charismatic cisgender men. Rather, they promote a decentralized movement from the ground up: a movement that allows diverse voices to emerge and forms their leadership on the basis of experiences and needs embedded in the group they organize.

-A popular misunderstanding is that Black Lives Matter is just a trendy hashtag, or that it just opposes police brutality or vigilant racism against black people. BLM is not about saying yes to one identity, but about looking at how all the oppressed people are influenced by Trump and his regime.

Short paragraph: 

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is a Black-led group that facilitates Black-led movements across the globe. In creating such a movement, over the last 7 years, we have seen people who have consistently misinterpreted our organization and called for contributions in the name of Black Lives Matter. This political slogan started because of an incident that was caught on tape of an officer who brutally murdered an unarmed black man named George Floyd. The video showed an officer kneeling on Floyd’s neck for nine minutes until he died. This circulated on social media, and sparked anger among Americans, especially the black community, as it follows a long history of police violence against black Americans.

four questions:

1)What is your opinion on black lives matter?

2) How do you think the death of Floyd affected Americans in the US. specifically New Yorkers?

3)Do you think protesters are doing the right thing by protesting or they should do more? If so, explain?

4)How do you think president trump should react to the protests that are going on about black lives matter? 

1 Comment

  1. Jessica Penner

    Great questions!

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