Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity#11-Michalis Photiou

The topic I have chosen for the Annotated bibliography is the influence of social media


The phrase “the media” began around 1920’s. Mass media became a thing until the post-Second world war when radio television and video were introduced. The influence of mass media influences many aspects in the human life for example voting, individual views and beliefs or skewing a person knowledge and specific topic with false information.

Mass media evolved by year, it grew by strength during times with new forms of journalism new media formats, markets, and new technologies

At first, we had only the print media which was newspapers, but only several colonies had printers so not every country had newspapers back then. At the start newspapers were used in America to inform citizens of perceived British misdeeds. When everything finished with war readers still wanted to be entertained so Joseph Pulitzer and the New York world gave them newspaper with pages, cartoons, and pictures but always the first page was sensation and scandalous.

In 1896 Adolph Ochs purchased the New York times and transformed the newspaper back into the information model which promotes transparency in government and politics

Not only Print media but also radio media started back at 1920’s broadcasting sponsored news and programs but after that politicians saw the opportunity to influence people to vote for them with radio.

Television changed media forever with attributes of radio and images together. The first official broadcasts were prudent franklin Roosevelt’s speech at the beginning of 1939 worlds fair in new work

What I learned:

I learned that and knew that social media came from all the way back at 1920’s with three main sources radio, newspapers and television. When the world war 2 media was used to spread messages or information but after that politicians found the media and said “we can use the platforms to spread information on our election”, many said lies on television , many spread false information so they can be voted. Even today that we have the Donald J. Trumps versus Joe Biden election when they came to the debate talk or we see Advertisements “Vote me for a better future” or “Vote me because I will do this” they may lie to your so they can manipulate your brain. Not only politicians are included here but also the “Entertainers” people investigate other people life. For example, like a superstar is dating this other guy and spying on them or maybe a famous guy is dead. Stuff like this I personally despise them especially the “Click Baits” For instance an article with title “SUPERSTAR IS DEAD” they show someone pictures and in the article it says how a superstar played a role in a movie and died in it.


  1. Why people believe to all things they see on media?

2. If something like media is bad how we can fix it ?

3. Can we live without media in our lives?

4. How do you convince people that the stuff they are seeing online are false and how to check the truth?

1 Comment

  1. Jessica Penner

    Great questions!

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