Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Micro Activity #11:Dewan Wasif

-List the topic you have decided to use for the Annotated Bibliography

The topic I have chosen is Discrimination(racial equality).

Type up the notes you’ve taken while doing research (if you’d rather submit a picture of handwritten notes, that is also fine).

Most Americans claim, as a country, that we have yet to attain racial equality. About six-in – ten (61 per cent) agree that our nation has to continue making improvements to ensure that blacks have fair treatment with whites, while 30 per cent agree that we have made the changes required to bring about equality. Blacks and Hispanics are particularly likely to claim that more effort is required to attain racial equality, but more whites still claim that this is the case than say that enough improvements have been made. Thinking forwards, almost four-in – ten (43%) blacks are pessimistic that the nation would ever make the improvements required for blacks to gain equal rights with whites. Much smaller shares of whites (11 per cent) and Hispanics (17 per cent) remain uncertain that these improvements will actually take effect.

Write a short paragraph summarizing what you learned.

Racism impacts nearly every country in the world. It actively refuses people their full human rights because of their color, nationality , gender, descent (including caste) or national origin. Uncontrolled bigotry will fuel large-scale massacres such as the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and, more recently, the segregation and ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya people in Myanmar. We should have the right to be treated equally, irrespective of race, colour , nationality, class , caste, faith, belief, sex, gender , language, sexual orientation , gender identity, sex characteristics, age , health or other status. Far too much, though, we hear heart-breaking tales about people who experience cruelty merely because they belong to a “different” community from others in positions about wealth or influence.

Write up four questions you still have about your topic: these should not be “yes or no” questions, but rather questions you would use if you were writing a longer research paper.

Can neutral policies be discriminatory?

What is intentional discrimination?

What are racism’s effects on language acquisition?

What can we learn from postcolonial studies and critical race studies to tackle racism and its effects?

What can be done to turn these effects into positive motivating factors?

1 Comment

  1. Jessica Penner

    Great questions!

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