1st Issue Studying Abroad

Me my self studying abroad in America. I am originally from Cyprus(Greece) and its hard studying abroad without your family, strange culture, different languages and many more stuff

2st Issue Bullying

First of all bullying is something i despise i used to get bullied in middle school back in my country but pretty much i could not care that much about them. To be honest bullying did not affect me but i know that its disgusting on how they act.

3st Homeless people/People without a future

Since i came to America specific in New York I saw too many homeless people or people that they can not make a living to educate their selves for the future or the homeless people living in the streets especially the winter that is cold.

4st Influence of the Media

From a small age I started hating media. When I was in highschool Greek teacher told us about the the influence of the media that affect our life. Since when we had that lecture i started seeing the world of media much clearer. All of them lying or manipulating people to believe wrong.