
1. Kids who bully others in order to show their dominance to others and to raise their status in school.

2. Kids who are bullied are experience mental health issues.

3. Kids who are bullied are feeling guilty, alone, hopeless, helpless, and may thinking of suicide.

4. The school is not adequately addressing harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion.

Studying abroad

1. By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation. Students can see the world and have a better education.

2. Students will face high tuition, transportation and living expenses.

3. Different cultures and languages are the biggest challenge.

4. Nowadays, in epidemic situations, some international students cannot go back to school and take online classes locally.


1. The causes of homelessness are poverty, unemployment, disability, poor physical or mental health, addiction, and family.

2. The personal hygiene of the homeless may lead to the spread of disease in society.

3. Homelessness can often have a negative impact on local communities.

4. The government doesn’t care enough about the homeless.

Renewable resources

1. Due to environmental pollution and limited resources on the earth, humans encourage the use of renewable energy

2. Renewable energy has limitations, such as solar power, which requires weather conditions

3. Setting up renewable energy generation facilities requires a huge financial outlay, which means it is difficult to popularize in the world.

4. Environmental and economic benefits of using renewable energy include reducing some types of air pollution and boosts public health; Creating economic development, and new and stable jobs have been added to most world economies.