Jevon Williams



Micro-Activity #9

Micro-Activity #9: Analyzing the Declaration of Independence

  1. This declaration opens with a preamble describing why colonies have overthrown their ruler and chose to be a separate nation in the world. Everyone is equal and individual rights are unalienable. Governments should never violate that. The right to life, freedom, and a search for happiness are among those. If a government fails to safeguard these rights, the people have the right and the obligation to overthrow it. In their place, individuals should create a government that is designed to protect those rights. Governments are seldom overthrown, and should not, for trivial reasons, be defeated. In this case, to overthrow a tyrannical government, the colonists have suffered a long history of abuse. George III, King of Britain, is responsible for 27 particular cases of abuse. The King had interfered with the colonists’ right to self-government and a fair judicial system. Without their consent, the King, acting with Parliament, also instituted legislation that affected the colonies. It imposed taxes on the settlers by this law. They were also required to remove British troops, withdraw their right to a jury trial, and prevent free trade. Also, by refusing to protect the borders of colonies, confiscating American ships on the sea, and intending to employ foreign mercenaries to fight against colonists, the King and Parliament are guilty of the utter destruction of American life and property. The colonial governments tried but were continually ignored to bring these differences into peaceful reconciliation with Great Britain. Despite their shared heritage and just cause, colonists similarly ignored British citizens. The settlers had no choice but to declare independence from Great Britain after many peaceful attempts. The US will be known as the new nation and is no longer going to be connected with the UK. The new government reserves the right to wage war, peace, covenants, trade, and other things.
  2. It is the case with Jefferson’s use of deductive arguments (including examples of British misconduct), and he can read the document to understand exactly why he left the UK. One of the main definitive statements in this declaration is: “That those rights are guaranteed; governments are established amid men.” It means that all legitimate governments are set up to protect people’s rights, such as “life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness.”
  3. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This claim is very relevant in today’s U.S. society. Slavery and race have been a topic for many years of conversation, and people of color for many decades. This claim provides that everyone should be treated the same way “all men are created equal,” even if they are different from skin color, and nobody should benefit anybody because of their skin color. It is related to recent protests in this country and the treatment by the law-enforcement agency of white and black people in different ways.