Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Eriq Ahmad, Micro-Activity #3

One discourse community from my list that I’ve chosen is the WIAGA Golf Club. Problems that are central to this discourse community are that there is a certain group of members from the club that don’t have or share goals in order of becoming a better player/golfer. What they try and want to do is cheat when playing the game so that they can win. Now most of us in the club know who those members are but whenever we get paired playing with any of them, we need to be very careful and pay attention to every shot they are playing. Another problem is that there are golfers that are too slow, which makes the golf games less fun and more boring. Slow play in golf is actually the worst things you can encounter when playing a game of golf. This creates a problem for the discourse community of WIAGA because then there will be less communication with others, brings down the confidence of players, more arguing, and it will make others forget about their goals and lose interest in the game.  

The problem that interests me the most is slow play in the game of golf.

Based on my research, there are no certain catch phrases or claims that continue to arise that are connected to my DC.

Solutions that have been tried from my research for slow playing in golf are playing “ready golf”. It stated, “That golfer the one who is away is supposed to play first, followed by the next farthest away and so on.” This means that the player that shoots the best (lowest) score on the last existing hole should be the first to play the next hole. Now, if that player is slow and basically takes his/her time, we try and let ANYONE, doesn’t matter who play first so that we can get the game moving on at a faster rate.

Another solution is to aim to play in 20 seconds. From my research, it says, “take approximately 20 seconds to hit each and every shot”. This is what my club is trying to do in order to eliminate slow play and over the years, our clubs have seen players make an improvement.

Last solution is to never hit practice shots on the course and limit the time for searching lost balls. From my research, it stated, “Never hit practice shots on the course such as replaying shots that are totally unnecessary. Limit the time spent looking for lost balls or have other members of the group hit while you are looking for it.” This is an important solution because believe it or not, this is what gets golfers angry and less focused on their goals. For ex: when I encounter this problem, I try my best and keep focus and try to communicate with the others to make sure that they are also doing what I’m doing.    

1 Comment

  1. Isaac

    Hey Eriq,

    I think that cheating or slowing down others not only has a impact on the party that is playing but also has an impact in those that enjoy playing golf. reading through your post I can tell you love playing golf and that this is something you care about are passionate about so your post showcases the downside of playing with cheaters or slower players.

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