Quote 1:” A DC has acquired and continues to refine DC-specific terminology. Classically, this consists of abbreviations and shorthands of all kinds, not including various kinds of codes. For example, hospitals in the U.S. have a rich menu of codes that the staff employ,especially in emergencies, partly for efficiency and partly to keep information from patients and the general public. So, “code 236 on floor six” might indicate a heart attack on that floor.”

Response: First of all, before reading this article i had no idea what is a DC , after reading the article and some research i did on google and now i came to an understanding. So what i like about the quote is that after i understood the meaning of DC i liked that in each different dc there are indeed some lexis that they only use in that community. Many times i watched movies about police you hear indeed the code red or when you see the weather channel for example the storm that passed recently it was named “LAURA”.

Quote2: In some contrast, the former is a largely heterogeneous, socio-rhetorical
assemblage of people who broadly share occupational or recreational experiences, goals, and interests. Thus, members of a DC may have different first languages, different religions, and belong to diverse ethnicities

Response: This quote got really into my interest because as i said in my first response i had no idea what a dc was, so after i learned about it i can see it in my life too the difference between language and ethnicity barrier. We are in a community but we share a goal without our ninetieths and languages interfere in that goal.

School project(back in my country)

Back in my country i joined a school project, we were about 15 students with a goal to create a video game and compete with different schools in order to become the best video games in our country. We used to communicate with meetings ,emails and messages with friends but besides that we were hanging out as a group chatting out in our free time about the game it was really fun.

CityTech English 1121

Reading and writing isn’t my skill. So we are taking this class in order to boost our skill and reading abilities. I believe all of us here we will learn some stuff and that is our purpose. In order of communication we are supposed to meet in class and talk in person and sometimes in emails but because of corona we are communicating with open lab and emails.

Burger Club

My work i can think it as a dc. All of us there we have two different goals some people wants just to make money and some other wants to make the best restaurant possible out there. They only way of communicating is by sms and restaurant meeting that happens once in a month other than that we talk in person. Personally i work over there just to make money and most of coworkers share the same goal as me