Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #2 : Cindy Cortes Corona

Quote 1: “Many people are occasional members of more than one discourse community.” (19)

Response: This quote is personally found to relate to me. As I do partake in church it would be more of an occasional more than regularly going. But in doing so, I am able to participate in more things besides just one community. So I could see where and why this is even mentioned in the reading. However, being an occasional member to your community can be a good thing because of the type of role you play in the community. For instance, you can have a small role which will lead to your assistance rarely needed. This way you can partake in many other communities to further your interest in the things in life.

Quote 2: “Fine, but we now need to emphasize the roles of new digital channels, such as emails, blogs, tweets, etc., and we also need to stress that without any means of intercommunication of any kind, there is no real community.” (23)

Response: This quote in particular i find to be confusing, but yet i get to understand it at the same time. At first i didn’t really understand the means of “intercommunication” like they said, without it, there would be no “real community”. However, as I continued to read the quote over and over, I was able to understand it. And I totally agree with the statement made. In order to have a community in general, there has to be communication at all times in order to maintain it. And with this generation and its technology we are able to do so, whether it be with creating a blog, group chat, and most importantly emails.

Church School

Ever Since I was 8 years old, my mother would be very religious. And as her daughter, it was important for me to learn about the catholic faith. The value of this was to be a member of the church officially and to learn the word of God. The assumptions that go behind being in church school is that your whole perspective on life and how you act. But the way we would communicate would be on Sundays. Every sunday we will talk about our week and say what we are thankful for. 

Youth Group

Youth groups will also tie into church. In order to be into this group you would have to be at least 13 years-old. Usually it’s a great way to spend time with your peers or older teens for advice in whatever needs that you. The oldest that i’ve seen in the group is 18. Which is pretty common since I’m still 16. But in order to always keep in touch we would create a group chat, either welcoming our new members into the group, or asking for advice or even set up weekly meetings that are convenient to one another. We would really be open with each other and even debate on our interests in life, whether it was serious or not.


ASAP is a program that helps freshmans like me to have a smooth first two years. (Asscosiates degree) They provide metrocards to every student in the program. We also receive an advisor to communicate with once a month about our own concerns or any difficulties that we come across while having all the classes online this semester. So we all tend to schedule meetings every month, but we can make appointments to talk whenever our advisor is available.

Since this is my freshman year, I’ll look into joining more discourse communities.

1 Comment

  1. Andy

    Hi Cindy,

    I’m also in a youth group in that’s also connected to the church, it’s interesting I’ve never meet someone from another youth group in another church.

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