Quote: ” As we move from one DC to another, our verbal and social behavior adapts to the new environment, but I do not believe that this necessarily implies that we adopt new identities, or that we are somehow merely an aggregation of different personae.” (19)

Response: This quote to me describes my ability to adapt to many environments BUT never losing myself in the mist of it all. An example would be as a woman of color when I had a new job in a 90% white community I adapted my teaching style, language and behavior for that area. I did not however change my inner self or lose sight of what I was teaching. My concern is that most people have no idea how to adapt and how not to lose sight of the end game or themselves.

Quote: “Further, members of these DCs may get together socially outside of work, which further reinforces the community. Often, in these communities, there are apprentice arrangements (such as probationary periods) whereby new members are scrutinized as they attempt to acculturate into accepted occupational behaviors.” (13)

Response: This quote as much as I hate is hits on an important thing in the communities. Scrutinization. I find that while the community has its own way of doing things, not every person is the same or sometimes feel as if they have a choice and thus get scrutinized. Sometimes new ideas are great and make growth, where as old ideas or methods fade and are no longer practical in the ever changing things around. So to me this is definitely a negative for these communities.


This community is about growing not just one-self and positive manifestation. Its also about bringing happiness to as many people in the world as possible. The assumption is that we all shave our head and are monks. We are a mondern day group of individuals from around the world that study and chant together while going through real life ups and downs.


This community values the friendships made through gaming and internal communities. Many streamers big and small have faithful followers that like the style and genre of games, cooking, sports or many other things. The assumption usually with most gamers is that we have no life, no friends and are anti social. We just tend to communicate better when we have games in front of us.

I do not however belong to a third group. I stay very busy between my jobs and my two current groups.