Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Micro Activity #1: Cindy Cortes Corona

Something that grabbed my attention instantly is how this class is operated quite differently compared to my other classes. For starters, 1. We are using OpenLab which I am not going to lie about. It was very confusing at first to use, but then I got the hang of it. But I will say this website is far more organized than Black board. Especially since this class is online, there will be no reason to have video chats. 2. I actually find it useful that our assignments will be both reviewed by our classmates and the professor. lastly, 3. It is nice and convenient to have the assignments up with due dates already shown. This way we can start our assignments beforehand, and submit it as soon as we will like.

Some concerns that i may have may be communicating with my classmates when it comes to revising their work. I tend to be shy even when it comes to communicating with the professor too. But the advantages to the semester being online would be waking up super early to get ready to take the 7:00 train just to make it on time to my morning classes. With online classes my worries go away, and typing on my computer is 100 times better than being in a classroom using a paper and pen.


  1. Eriq Ahmad

    Hey Cindy. I totally agree with you on that Open Lab is more confusing than Blackboard but on the other hand it is far more organized. All of the work is placed in different sections and categories which I find very helpful. When I started using Open Lab, I had trouble finding where we have to post our work but now I got the hang of it. It’s true that its hard because we are beginners but then when we start to play around with the site more and more, it will be easy to use just like Blackboard. Also, whats funny is that I too love taking online classes rather than taking lectures at school because I hate waking up early in the morning to get the bus and train which is very exhausting. I love typing way more than writing with pen and paper for sure. Your hands don’t get tired so quickly.

  2. Andy

    Hey Cindy I agree that open lab is more confusing then blackboard, as well when you say that all the due dates are shown because sometimes things can just fly by past you and not even noticing and yes i think everyone can be a little shy, But after a while you will get used to it. I say that because I used to be like that too in my freshmen year.

  3. zhouxing shi

    Hi Cindy,
    I agree the advantages of online study you mentioned. I am living in Queens, and I had an 8 am class before. So I had to got up at 6 to go to school. It was winter, it was still dark outside when I left my house. Besides, in this unusual period of time, it is very important to be healthy and safe. It is much safer have online classes at home than going to school.

  4. Saeidah Alnagar

    I agree with you about the advantage of online learning is that we don’t have to concern about waking up 1 -2 hours early and take the train or the bus, and we can use the time for our other responsibilities . Also, we don’t have to worry about arriving late.

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