Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class. You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).

By Friday, July 28, please add your introduction and read the comments.

Get to know your classmates! Reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Be kind.


  1. Joseph Mastrota

    Hello ENG 1121 students, my name is Joseph Mastrota. In my introduction to the class, if it was in person, the first observations would be that I am an older student. Much older at 56, I am continuing my education. I have completed two “careers” and now desire to re-invent myself in the study of law. I am a Legal Studies Major. I have worked within the Criminal Justice System and am convinced, that for good people, the current common law system can administer justice fairly. I worked in a different capacity legally but closely with attorneys. So far in CityTech I have experienced the substantial amount of writing involved in legal work. Also the significant amount of reading required to grasp legal concepts. I desire to significantly improve my writing ability. To correctly and with effective use of specific vocabulary, transpose what is in my mind to paper in detail.
    Personally, my recreational interests are, SCUBA diving, drones, home repair, and travel.

    • Rex Dovolani

      Hey Joseph,

      I am glad to hear you are continuing your education as it is never too late to pursue your dreams. It is helpful that you have experience in criminal justice so you can apply your past experiences and it can help you with your Legal Studies Major. I also like to travel as well. I personally like road trips as you can explore and see different parts of the country.

      • Joe

        I have visions of a Indian Scout crossing America. Who knows its on the “Bucket List” lol. Thanks for commenting 😀

  2. Jean Holmi Germain

    Hello Professor and class,
    I am Jean Holmi Germain, my major is health science. My interest for this major is to understand United States health care sector, and to bring my collaboration to it.
    By reading, listening, and watching, I can better understand the environment.Usually during my spare time, I read and listen to music.
    Jean Holmi Germain
    Student in health Science.

    • rania mohamed

      Hey Jean,

      Heath science is a very interesting major, I was really thinking about changing my major to heath science, but I stuck with dental hygiene. I also love to listen to music on my spare time. My favorite rapper is pop smoke, I’m sure youv’e herd of him, but if not he is a famouse American rapper.


    • Eriq Ahmad

      Hello Jean. It is interesting that you want to major in health science because you want to understand the United States health care sector. Also, I agree on what you do to understand the environment as well because those will definitely help you towards your major. Wish you the best! It was a pleasure meeting you.

  3. rania mohamed

    Good morning Professor and classmates,

    My name is rania, it’s nice to meet you guys. More about myself is that I’m a sophmore at city tech. and my major is dental hygiene. Ever since I was a child I was always interested in the health care support profession. I would always go to the dentist and see the hygienests always putting a smile on people’s face especially the children after they were done with their job. I enjoy reading interesting articles, for example there was an article saying that there is a whole other body of ocean under the ocean itself, which I find really intersting. I love dramatic action movies. And on my spare time I like to play basketball and/or explore different places around New York City.

    Thank You,
    Rania Mohamed

    • zhouxing shi

      Hi, Rania!

      It is nice to meet you! You said you were interested in the health care support profession ever since you were a child. It reminds me of the show I just started to watch, which is called Good Doctor. The reason of becoming a doctor for the main character is he wants to save more lives, which is helping people, bringing joy. That is kind of like what you talked about. And I like playing basketball too.


    • Joe

      There are constants in employment I have always said. Optical, Dental, and Mortuary. My sister is an ophthalmologist and always has business. Same for the other two professions. Dental is wonderful as the progress in the field has been substantial with many new techniques in care. You also have a job that helps improve someones smile, how good is that?

  4. rania mohamed

    Good morning Professor and classmates,

    My name is rania, it’s nice to meet you guys. More about myself is that I’m a sophmore at city tech. and my major is dental hygiene. Ever since I was a child I was always interested in the health care support profession. I would always go to the dentist and see the hygienests always putting a smile on people’s face especially the children after they were done with their job. I enjoy reading interesting articles, for example there was an article saying that there is a whole other body of ocean under the ocean itself, which I find really intersting. I love dramatic action movies. And on my spare time I like to play basketball and/or explore different places around New York City.

    Thank You,
    Rania Mohamed

    • Jean Holmi Germain

      Hello Rania,
      Happy to read your post, and I want to tell you that the major you chose is very important, you will help the society. Also, dental hygiene is a major that I love.
      About your spare time, I hope you become an NBA Basketball player.
      I wish you good luck.

  5. Cindy Cortes Corona

    Good afternoon Professor and class,

    My name is Cindy, I am a very much younger student in this class based on my observation so far. I am 16 years-old and my major is Human Services. This is my first year at City Tech and I hope to learn alot in this class about both English and my classmates. I grew up knowing that it is always important to help out in the community, or just vhelp out in general. I love to listen to music while getting work done, my favorite artist to listen to is BTS.

    Thank you,

    • Isaac

      Hey Cindy,

      Wow! You’re 16 and in college, your parents must be really proud of you. K-pop is the thing now and Korean food is delicious , you should try going to K-town, you will probably love the karaoke’s and the food. Hope your semester goes well, keep it up.

    • Andy

      whoa that pretty cool Cindy that your just 16 and your already in college you must be proud of yourself for this accomplishment I hope you the best in your studies.

    • Joe

      Wow I was a Junior in HS. With summer school every year for math and latin. Great Job Cindy!

  6. Rex Dovolani

    Hello class and Professor Penner, my name is Rex Dovolani. This will be my 4th semester here at city tech and it will be like no other. I am majoring in Facilities Management. As a facility manager you have your hands full at all times. From managing a building to managing workers to making sure everyone does their job the right way it can get very stressful at times. Facility Managers have to type daily reports of what broke throughout the building as well as to what needs to be repaired in the building. I see this class as helping me tremendously in reading at writing and trying to adapt my writing skills into my future career.

    • Isaac

      Hey Rex,

      I see you’re in the Facilities Management program, this semester will be very interesting indeed. I recently graduated with an associates and decided to go for the Facilities Management degree, I like the way you think about this class and how it could benefit you in the near future. Keep it up!

      • Andy

        Hello Isaac and Rex i’m really glad to have you both in this class with me and I think the same as well Rex. It really could benefit us in various ways in the future

  7. Michael

    Hey guys! My name is Michael. I am now a sophomore here at City Tech. I love music and sports, that is my life pretty much. My favorite bands is Queen & Led Zeppelin and my favorite sports teams are Yankees and Jets! This English course is required for me. I tend to struggle a bit with reading and writing but I hope to fix and improve that this semester.

  8. Alisha Roberts

    Hello everyone,
    My name is Alisha. I’m majoring in health science, this is my second semester in City Tech, so the experience has been good. What I enjoy the most is that I love to travel and if I’m not traveling. I’m either painting or reading, especially adventure and mystery. To me, that is my escape from reality, and it always keeps me entertained. However, I would not say I like writing so much, but what I do expect from this course is to learn and improve my writing skills.

  9. ssara

    Hello everyone,
    I am Sumiaya Sara. My major is computer systems and technology. This is my last second semester. I am currently looking for a good internship and can’t wait to graduate and explore outside world. I was reading all of your introduction comments. It’s really nice to see that we all from different backgrounds. I’m so excited to learn different things and get to know each other more. Thank you!

  10. Yaire

    Good afternoon,

    My name is Yaire Castillo and I’m a college freshman. I’ll be graduating in 2024 and I look forward the upcoming school year although it is online. For so long, I had been struggling between pursuing a career in medicine and in criminal justice. It wasn’t until last year that my interest in criminal justice sparked even more. I realized that pursuing a career in medicine was to make others happy but myself. I had a forensics class with an amazing teacher, Ms. Lara who really made me realize that I had so much potential to be in the criminal justice field. I live for justice and in making sure that everyone gets treated fairly. I can go on and on when talking about my career choice but I’ll leave it up to here. On my own time I like to paint. I love to listen to music while I study. And I love watching sunsets. Once again, I look forward to this school year and hope that we all do our best!

    Thank you,
    Yaire Castillo

    • Cindy Cortes Corona

      Hey Yaire,

      I too was looking for the semester but sadly given the circumstances it has switched the majority of classes online. It is actually quite nice for you to have options of what career you want to pursue. Many of others struggle to find any interest at all to their future. It’s nice to know that you dedicate yourself to equality and justice in everybody. Anyways hope you have a fantastic freshman year and hope you the very best overall.

    • Cindy Cortes Corona

      Hey Yaire,

      I too was looking for the semester but sadly given the circumstances it has switched the majority of classes online. It is actually quite nice for you to have options of what career you want to pursue. Many of others struggle to find any interest at all to their future. It’s nice to know that you dedicate yourself to equality and justice in everybody. Anyways hope you have a fantastic freshman year and hope you the very best overall.

    • Joe

      My background in criminal justice is from an enforcement perspective. I have a introductory background in evidence collection. I remember back in the 90’s the job of Forensic Pathologist had a good market with good starting pay. That type of job can get pretty gruesome at times. But some types find that interesting. Think carefully of your choice. I believe both careers are rewarding, marketable and interesting.

  11. Møh Sillah

    Hey Everyone,
    My name is Mohammed Sillah and this is my second year here in City Tech. I’m currently majoring in liberal arts and science. I like to play sports and travel. My favorite sport team are the Los Angeles Clippers.

  12. Eriq Ahmad

    Hello Everybody. My name is Eriq Ahmad. This is my final semester here at City Tech. I am currently majoring in Accounting almost completing my Associates degree and very soon plan on transferring to Baruch in order to complete my Bachelors degree. My favorite sports I love to play is the game of basketball and especially golf. I love golf because its a game where people need to use both their body and mind as their skills and overall it’s a hard game. Other than that, I work part-time with my dad, making cabinets and counter tops. I am really looking forward to this semester and hope that we can do our best! Remember, what you put in the class is what you get out! It is great to meet you guys!

    • Eriq Ahmad

      Sorry I forgot to mention the reason why I chose to major in Accounting is because I like to learn and hopefully deal with financial information from businesses and corporations and also examine financial records.

  13. Jean Holmi Germain

    Hello Rania,
    Happy to read your post, and I want to tell you that the major you chose is very important, you will help the society. Also, dental hygiene is a major that I love.
    About your spare time, I hope you become an NBA Basketball player.
    I wish you good luck.

  14. Isaac

    Hello everyone!

    My name is Isaac Diaz. I graduated from City Tech last semester with an Associates Degree in Environmental Control technology and I’m majoring in Facilities Management, I dropped college when I was 18 and came back at 26, so its never too late to do what you love and what you’re passionate about. Apart from working full time this semester I’m taking 6 classes which might be a challenge given the current situation. In my free time I like to read the newspaper and watch Nat Geo, History Channel and Animal Planet, my favorite is Planet Earth, you get to see so much, I see this class as a stepping stone towards my future, though I hate writing. The reason for taking this class is because its a requirement .

    • Satariac

      I can definitely relate to starting College later. Its never too late. The world is so amazing when you get to see it in its true beauty and all the shows you list are amazing for that.

  15. Satariac

    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Sataria and this is the start of my second year living here in NYC. I am taking my core classes so that I can apply and transfer to York college. I am studying to be an Occupational Therapist. I have been working in the healthcare field for as long as I can remember and I just love to help people. I currently work part-time and I stream on Twitch ( I am an avid competitive gamer girl). I gave college a shoot back in 08 but life happens and I am now 30 and doing everything and more that I have ever wanted. Life is short don’t waste your energy on things that you can’t control or that help you grow.

  16. Saeidah Alnagar

    Hello Professor and classmates, My name is Saeidah Alnagar and this is my second year in city tech. My major is nursing, I chose to nurse because I love to dedicate most of my time for helping weak people. I usually used my spare time with my loved ones by doing activities Such as Challenging, playing cards and going out. My favorite sports are volleyball and tennis.

  17. Shaniam

    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Shania and this is the beginning of my sophomore year at City Tech. I’m majoring in health science and hope to use this course as a way to improve my writing skills. My favorite types of movies are ones with lots of action in them. Although I do enjoy action films a majority of the time, I do dabble in a bit of romantic comedies when the timing is right.

  18. Andy

    Hello To All
    My name is Andy i am currently a junior i have an associates degree in Environmental Control and currently pursuing my bachelors in Facilitates Planning & Management. I always glad to meet new people i’m really opened minded, I love to play soccer watch it as well. I enjoy to talk walks in the park really into learning a lot of renewable energy sources and ways we can help our planet, and the reason why I choose the major i’m in right now

    • Andy

      One important thing i left out was I really Love Hamilton

  19. Dewan

    Hello professor and students!

    Hey, my name is Dewan Wasif, and I’m a sophomore at City Tech. My current major is Mechanical Engineering. Fun fact , personally, much of my family is in the medicine industry, which is odd because it’s the only one in the engineering sector. I’m a huge automotive lover and intend to open a number of shops in the future. When i was younger I would always at be uncle shops while he was working. I also like working hands and working on cars maybe even helping out my uncle at his shops. One of the key sports I really took seriously was lacrosse, which also led me to get a few scholarships, particularly at D2 colleges. At some stage in my career, I’ve always been a music producer, being able to do so as a side hobby, I’ve developed a number of relationships and friends collaborating with other rappers and artists. In reality, I’m kind of excited about this class that I’ve recently started reading has has a big effect on my life. I am currently focusing on creating my own business, which I was able to do that just through reading. Enough about me, It was nice meeting yall and cant wait to work with you this semester!

    • Daria Dubovskaia

      Hi Dewan,
      It is nice to meet you. I am happy to see another student from the Mech Department.
      It is such a great thing that you have a these plans for your future that are based on your college experience. I am looking forward to meeting you during the class as well.

  20. Daria Dubovskaia

    Hello Professor and students!

    My name is Daria Dubovskaia. My major is Mechanical engineering technology. I have transferred to the CityTech from a technical university in Russia (my major was Rocket Engines). The aerospace field is my passion. Since I have received the best math education at my previous university, now I have part-time job as a math teacher at the private school. I moved to New York 1 year ago, still feel new in this country.
    I have always had difficulties with writing, especially now when I need to use not my native language to express my thoughts. I hope that this course will help me to overcome my difficulties with writing.

    • Sumon Alam

      Hey Dar!

      I’m very happy to see you here. And I’m very lucky that if I need help to solve any mathematical problem, I’ll ask you first. We know that moving one place to another place is so hard, I hope you will get more good friends here, and you will feel good like your homeland. Hopefully, we will meet on campus when City Tech opens and we will meet our Professor too.

      Sumon Alam

    • Satariac

      Oh gosh welcome to NYC. I also just moved to NY a year ago. I sure do wish i knew you when I was struggling with my trigonometry class LOL. I think you will ace it and I hope your studies continue to be great!

    • Satariac

      Oh gosh welcome to NYC. I also just moved to NY a year ago. I sure do wish i knew you when I was struggling with my trigonometry class LOL. I think you will ace it and I hope your studies continue to be great!

  21. Sumon Alam

    People call me Sumon, Sumon Alam is my full name. Hello dear professor and all of you, I hope that you guys are doing well. I love Mathematics and Physics, that’s why Computer Science is my major. Everyone has a dream, I too, my future goal is to become a professor of mathematics. l enjoy helping others when people don’t comprehend math. I have a Facebook page where I have helped people do math who have lived far from me. I like reading noble stories particularly about love, I love hearing Al-Quran and I like watching YouTube vlog. I wanted to fly like a bird when I was a 10 years old kid. I jumped from 10,000 feet above last year, I mean I made my first Skydiving in New Jersy in 2019. I like to drive motorcycle. I know that is difficult and dangerous. I hope, I’ll get the US motorcycle license as soon as possible. All the best for everyone, I am very glad to meet you here guys.

    • Rodrigo A Vega

      Hello Sumon Alam, I am Rodrigo A Vega. It seems as if you are interested in moving around. I also sometimes go for a walk, as moving and seen things passing by could make you feel good.

    • Mahamudul Hasan

      Hey Sumon, It’s nice that you help people to do the math. Computer science is good Major, Unfortunately City Tech doesn’t offer Bachelor in Computer Science. I like skydiving as well. All the best for getting motor cycle license.

    • Mahamudul Hasan

      Hey Sumon, It’s nice that you help people to do the math. Computer science is good Major, Unfortunately City Tech doesn’t offer Bachelor in Computer Science. I like skydiving as well. All the best for getting motor cycle license.

  22. Rodrigo A Vega

    Hello my name is Rodrigo A Vega, I’m a male taking a bachelor’s in emerging media with a focus in game design and media computation. I decided to chose my major because I am interested in video games. A few things I enjoy listening is relaxing music and relaxing sounds. I like various artistic things, such as design with visual things.

  23. zhouxing shi

    Hello, Professor and classmates,

    My name is Zhouxing Shi, I’m a junior at citytech. My major is mechanical engineering. The reason why I chose this major is because I am interest in different kinds of cars. I want to learn more about how machine works. In my spare time, I would like to read novels and mystery books. A Woman in the Window is a book my friend recommended to me, I just started reading it.

    Thank you,

  24. zhouxing shi

    Hello, Professor and classmates,

    My name is Zhouxing Shi, I’m a junior at citytech. My major is mechanical engineering. The reason why I chose this major is because I am interest in different kinds of cars. I want to learn more about how machine works. In my spare time, I would like to read novels and mystery books. A Woman in the Window is a book my friend recommended to me, I just started reading it.

    Thank you,

  25. Michalis Photiou

    Hello Professor and classmates
    My name is michalis photiou aka Mike this is my second semester. I am from cyprus and i came to new york a year ago. I am interested in coding. I usually play video games watch anime and listen to j-pop and k-pop. Some hobbies i have are fishing and hunting.

    Thank you
    Michalis Photiou

    • Satariac

      Hey mike. I also moved to NY a year ago. You can definetly find me playing video games, streaming on twitch, watching k-dramas and listening to k-pop. I love finishing ( have yet to find a place or people to go with).

  26. Mahamudul Hasan

    Hi Everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. I am a junior student in City Tech pursuing Computer System Technology focused in Software Development. I started pursuing computer engineering in City Tech after Complete my GED at 2015. I was supposed to graduate by the year of 2019. After finishing two semester in college I have lost interest in Computer Engineering. And I realized I was good at Programming. So I started working with One of the Financial Company as a Software Engineer in Maryland . And later I joined Hallmark at Kansas City,MO as Technology Lead and managing Software Engineer in onsite and offshore in Canada and India year of 2018. In 2019 I realized I need to finish my Bachelor in order to go further so I had let go my job. I started taking classes more seriously than ever. And I am working to learn new things everyday while working on better GPA. I love to code in languages such as Java, Python, C++ . I have interest real estate and stock market. I love to travel often when ever I get chance. I have interest in Application development Data Science .

  27. Mahamudul Hasan

    Hi Everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. I am a junior student in City Tech pursuing Computer System Technology focused in Software Development. I started pursuing computer engineering in City Tech after Complete my GED at 2015. I was supposed to graduate by the year of 2019. After finishing two semester in college I have lost interest in Computer Engineering. And I realized I was good at Programming. So I started working with One of the Financial Company as a Software Engineer in Maryland . And later I joined Hallmark at Kansas City,MO as Technology Lead and managing Software Engineer in onsite and offshore in Canada and India year of 2018. In 2019 I realized I need to finish my Bachelor in order to go further so I had let go my job. I started taking classes more seriously than ever. And I am working to learn new things everyday while working on better GPA. I love to code in languages such as Java, Python, C++ . I have interest real estate and stock market. I love to travel often when ever I get chance. I have interest in Application development Data Science .

  28. Estarlin

    Hello! I’m Estarlin De La Rosa, I’m an architectural student. I enjoy to listen and play music, in particular I can play the guitar. What motivates me to take this class is that I would like to learn more how to write and communicate more clearly in English because Spanish is my first language.

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