Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Discussion: Online Learning

Add a comment to this post. Write a paragraph (approx. 100 words). Discuss any questions or concerns you have about taking an online writing class. Mention anything that confuses or worries you. You may also discuss positive aspects (either that you’ve experienced or that you foresee) about online learning. At the end of your response, share one or two tips from your own online experience (either in school, at work, or in other day-to-day use of technology) that you think other students might find useful.

By next class (Monday, August 30), comment on one other student’s online learning experience. If something helped you–let them know! If you have advice for someone–let them know! If you feel you have the exact same problem–let them know!


  1. Afroza

    I actually think this will be too much work and how can I cover it. In my first semester, my professor gave lots of work and reading. It was really hard to cover everythings. I like online classes but it is sometimes critical to understand what the professor really mentioned. Also, One thing I want to mention is that when we have a zoom call, give a chance to share their thoughts if that is right or wrong. I request that you sometimes give us extra time to finish all work if anyone has any personal problem.

    • Adam Shahin

      Yea she said you can ask questions and voice your thoughts on the zoom meeting and will give extra time if you email before hand 24 hrs.

  2. Adam Shahin

    I’m kind of iffy currently on how Ima approach this class with the work load I’ll be taking this semester and this class seems to have a little more work than my others. I’ll try my best to figure it out and hope I can get through it stress-free. My first semester was different cause my Prof. didn’t really give us a deadline but did give us a good load of work. I do think online learning is easier because it allows the student to be in their comfort space and really look forward to taking the class for that reason. My other classes I did good in because I’m in my own home and am comfortable and can work easier and stress less.

    • Afroza

      I am also thinking that this class have work little more and yes some of classes are do not say clearly anything.

  3. Rabbi

    I think online classes are not that bad. It’s comfortable in my opinion. But we have more than one class and sometimes it is hard to keep the same speed for the whole semester with all assignments. I hope you will be flexible about the deadlines as you said. I will try my best not to disappoint you during the semester. Last semester was quite good. I am hoping this semester will be the same with you. Looking forward to our classes.

    • Vimalsan Manoharan

      I do agree with you when talking about deadlines, professors tend to give a lot of assignments that can be very hard to complete and stay ahead.

    • Vimalsan Manoharan

      I do agree with you when talking about deadlines, professors tend to give a lot of assignments that can be very hard to complete and stay ahead.

  4. Lisa

    Online classes aren’t all that bad to me however it is sort of difficult at times to focus. For me it’s just because I have younger siblings and it’s a bit noisy sometimes here. But since some schools are opening back up in person, hopefully I have less noise here at home when they’re gone and am able to focus more. I feel like in general it’s difficult just because we never experienced something like this before and we’re so used to being in person at school. It all just takes some adjustment. Some positives about online learning I would say is for some of us to be in the comfort of our own home. It might make some people comfortable with participating or it makes people who struggle with social interactions comfortable as well. Some negatives would be the tech side of things such as bad internet connections or outages. I’ve had times last semester where the internet servers would be down in my neighborhood because of workers fixing the lines. Basically things that are out of our control are frustrating when it comes to online learning but overall it isn’t too bad for me.

    • Kimberly

      I agree that some people might find it easier to participate in an online class since you are comfortable in your home. Hopefully these people will find it easier to participate when transitioning to in person classes.

  5. Jeffrey Escobedo

    My feelings towards online learning are negatives. I feel like online classes are great but easily distracting. For example, I have two monitors, one for Zoom and one for doing work if necessary but last semester I had classes in which the professors would talk constantly for a long period of time and had no interactions with the students. so I could easily open youtube on my other monitor. I would rather have class in person as I think it’s easier and visually better and less distracting. I feel like in person you won’t have access to personal belongings to distract yourself such as a computer full of games or a bed to easily sleep on while class is happening. Forcing you to focus a lot more.

    • Ashley Gonzalez

      Hi Jeffrey,

      When online classes began I would have to sit on my bed on zoom because I didn’t have a desk in my room. Trust me, I love the idea of being in the comfort of my home taking online classes but in reality I prefer being in class physically. I refer to lectures on Youtube in order to teach myself declarative knowledge regarding nursing and other sciences.

    • umme habiba

      I agree with you jeffrey. I also experienced the same thing when the professor would talk constantly, which really distracts students. This make me end up in you tube searching for lectures or the topics that professor went through.

    • Rabbi

      Honestly it’s very much up to you what you want to do in the class. If you realize by yourself that your class is important then maybe you will not be distracted. But I understand your point as well.

  6. Ashley Gonzalez

    I am not a huge fan of online learning because I feel as though it is difficult for me to stay focused with all of the distractions surrounding me at home. I recently switched my status at work so I am currently part time in order to accommodate my school schedule. With that being said, I have much more time to prioritize my education and become the nurse I am destined to be. Two tips that help me are creating your own calendar with due dates and also by ensuring your work space is calm so you stay focused during class.

    • Valentina

      Yea doing online classes at home can be difficult so much distractions hard to just kinda find your own space and and yes prioritize your schoolwork as much as you can and become a nurse, your doing good.

  7. umme habiba

    Online classes isn’t that bad. The thing is that sometimes it gets very complicated to find out what the professor actually wants. Also, I feel like sometimes online class gets little boring…. I think it can be more like in person classes when beside studying we actually have discussion about some other topics which really helps to focus in class. One tip that I would like to share is that put reminder of all dues because you will forget because sometimes we forget to check emails.

    • Tenzin Norbu

      I agree that online learning can be a little boring. With in person learning, you have a better chance to socialize with your classmates and get to know everyone better.

    • Vimalsan Manoharan

      I agree with you when online classes can get boring, I feel in an actual class professors can be a lot more engaging with the students being more hands-on.

  8. Jacky Li

    This is my second semester taking online classes. Personally for me there are more benefits taking online classes than in person classes. I found that I saved so much time from not commenting to school. I am also still anxious about the pandemic and I do not want to get sick or get my family members sick. I do miss the in person interactions that you would get at school and it has been difficult not being able to socialize the same way. Time management has been the main thing that can either benefit you or hurt you when it comes to online classes. I hope that this semester I will be able to keep up with all my courses and stay organized.

    • Staceyydeleon

      heyyy, I also miss being on campus and actually getting to work with your peers and being able to communicate with them. but online school has more benefits for me as I work a full time job and also live in The Bronx so it makes it harder for me to travel to Brooklyn. Time is very important. wish you the best this semester.

  9. Eric

    To be honest I’m still new to online classes mainly because when the pandemic first happened I had trouble with attending classes online. I had no laptop at the time nor WiFi only had a phone on me so it was much difficult for me to do anything. Going to school, attending was a bit difficult since I was easily distracted and it would usually take over an hour to get to school on time without the professor scolding me… Not to mention I miss a good amount of material when class started early.

    • Romuald Thomas

      same here, miss a lot of class because the prof couldn’t use zoom or blackboard it was a mess

    • Vimalsan Manoharan

      The same can be said for me as well, I was really in the process of moving so at first I had no wifi and missed some material for my freshman year.

  10. Tenzin Norbu

    Online learning has both its upsides and downsides like many other things. Me, I don’t mind it because I don’t have to ride the train. Riding the train is fine, but when it’s cramped and I must fight to get a seat is when it becomes a problem. Additionally, I get to sit in the comfort of my own room, if I’m getting sore, I can move my laptop to my bed. However, that can also be a downside. With all the comfort some people, myself included, can get very lazy. I do find myself saying “I can do this assignment later” and I end up doing the assignment last second. Accumulating much more stress than if I had just done it beforehand.

  11. Romuald Thomas

    Online learning has been a life-changing experience for all of us, some people for it, others against it. I personally am for it because it helped me out a lot. when it first started I was struggling with the way I was taught but then realize that I had to just adapt to this new teaching. I believe in-person learning will always be the best way to learn because it helps users interact with one another better, built-in communication, and improve their social life, however due to covid 19 online learning was the new best thing . Besides the structure of learning. it helps me manage my time. in the middle of last semester, I moved out of Brooklyn, online learning help make that transition so much better than I thought it would. So I’m glad it was an option, to continue learning it was either that or not go to school at all, it was not easy but with time everyone will get through it

  12. Vimalsan Manoharan

    Online learning can be good, but some of the pros are that you can work freely in your house which can alleviate any unwanted stress and pressure when studying or being in a classroom. I personally would like the experience of actually going to the school and learning there because I feel that a school environment can make me concentrate even more without procrastinating at home, also I dislike video calls because they can limit professors creatively when explaining things at home rather than in person. Two tips that can help someone would be to always be focused on the task, and always have your hands on something so your mind doesn’t wander off, that really helped me focus in my first year of online classes.

  13. Gerardo Ramos

    This is honestly my first semester with online classes. I never had to do zoom university before. I am thrown off a bit with it, but I think it will be fine. I think it helps with my anti socialness, do not have to be around many people. The only thing I going to be weird is figuring out when to talk to ask a question. I think the online format for an English course works out. For other classes I feel like it be a lot more complicated and annoying.

  14. Gerardo Ramos

    This is honestly my first semester with online classes. I never had to do zoom university before. I am thrown off a bit with it, but I think it will be fine. I think it helps with my anti socialness, do not have to be around many people. The only thing I going to be weird is figuring out when to talk to ask a question. I think the online format for an English course works out. For other classes I feel like it be a lot more complicated and annoying.

    • Jenny

      I feel you on that anti-socialness because I’m like that too I don’t like to talk to anyone and trust me this online thing is a challenge and the only thing we can do is push ourselves and hope for the best.

  15. Jenny

    Online writing isn’t best like in person because you can’t interact with the professor. My first semester when I had reading classes online it was the worst I had so much challenges such as my grammar and running on sentences when it came to my essays. I always try to push my self and become a better writer because don’t get me wrong I love to write. Also my teacher wasn’t bad i actually loved her because she would always be in a good mood to teach every classes and help me so much as a writer. In the other hand online writing came in handy as being at home and not wasting money on that train most of the days. Well, even though we don’t know how long we will still do online classes just hope for the best and to improve for our career cause writing is major part for our future.

  16. Jenny

    Online writing isn’t best like in person because you can’t interact with the professor. My first semester when I had reading classes online it was the worst I had so much challenges such as my grammar and running on sentences when it came to my essays. I always try to push my self and become a better writer because don’t get me wrong I love to write. Also my teacher wasn’t bad i actually loved her because she would always be in a good mood to teach every classes and help me so much as a writer. In the other hand online writing came in handy as being at home and not wasting money on that train most of the days. Well, even though we don’t know how long we will still do online classes just hope for the best and to improve for our career cause writing is major part for our future.

  17. Jenny

    Online writing isn’t best like in person because you can’t interact with the professor. My first semester when I had reading classes online it was the worst I had so much challenges such as my grammar and running on sentences when it came to my essays. I always try to push my self and become a better writer because don’t get me wrong I love to write. Also my teacher wasn’t bad i actually loved her because she would always be in a good mood to teach every classes and help me so much as a writer. In the other hand online writing came in handy as being at home and not wasting money on that train most of the days. Well, even though we don’t know how long we will still do online classes just hope for the best and to improve for our career cause writing is major part for our future.

  18. Staceyydeleon

    English isn’t my best subject. I hope to improve my vocabulary and writing skills this semester. I have struggled in the past with English classes. During the pandemic online classes have made it more difficult for me to learn and improve. This is my second time taking English 1121. I struggle to participate and be more involved with the class and during class discussions. What helped me in my other classes was having group chats with my fellow peers and being able to communicate with them. This allowed me to be more comfortable in participating during class. Online classes have made it difficult for me to focus but I plan to work on that this semester.

  19. Valentina

    Online learning has a negative and positive effect towards me negative -being that it’s at times hard to focus when you have so much people at home and it’s a bit noisy even if you shut your door positive – being that it’s way comfortable as in you don’t need to take train and bus and rushing or having everything there with you at home if you need something but overall it isn’t really that bad you just gonna know how to manage yourself between personal and school work

  20. Valentina

    Online learning has negative and positive negative -being hard to focus and family making noise but some positive is that it’s better than taking the bus and train rushing to class and it comfortable for you having everything you need at home just gonna manage yourself between your personal life and school work

  21. Demetrius Brown-Williams

    My only worry about this class along with all my other classes is that I’ll burn myself out. I don’t care for online learning but at the moment it’s my only option so that I can work and afford to go to school. I’ve always had an okay standing in most of my English classes and have been able to put more time into them, hopefully, it’s the same this year.

  22. Hadassel Gomez

    I believe the most challenging situation about taking classes online is the self-control you need in order to focus on what you have to do. This is because we are taking classes from our house and it is the place you feel comfortable in. It’s not the same as sitting in a chair in a classroom. From my experience, a tip may be to do any work as soon as possible, that way you don’t forget or let the time pass. With that being said, I definitely prefer to take classes physically more than online. I like to talk face to face or look at my professor while is talking. That way I understand better and feel more comfortable.

    • Demetrius Brown-Williams

      Honestly, some of these classes make me genuinely want to pass out especially if I’m sitting on my bed or something instead of at my desk. I also try to do work beforehand so I’m not hurting myself to focus much since the work is already done.

  23. Kimberly

    I both like and dislike online classes. I have not taken an in person class in college. I would like to experience that sometime soon but without risking my family and I. I believe online classes are easier since you are able to complete them from the comfort of your home. I’m hoping the transition to in person classes is not hard. The best advice I would want to share to my classmates is to be organized with due dates. It is also important to try not to leave assignments until the last minute because you never know what other professors might assign and it can cause you unnecessary stress.

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