Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Discussion: Our Syllabus

Add a comment to this post. Discuss three pieces of information that caught your attention on the syllabus. These could be questions you have about grading or deadlines, comments on the online component, or observations about the chosen readings…really anything that catches your eye is fine. 

By next class (Monday, August 30), review your classmates’ questions/comments, and respond to at least one. If someone had a question that you know the answer to, let them know. If you’re also excited about reading a particular text, say so!


  1. Afroza

    1. Every Monday and Wednesday we have class so every one day we have work then next class day you will take work? or every home work due every day?
    2. Every week we have to finish one assignments?
    3. If sometimes late work for any problem then we can have extra time to do?

    • Adam Shahin

      Yes we would have a assignment to complete every week and you have to message 24 hrs before hand for late work so you can have extra time.

  2. Rabbi

    I have some thought about the grading breakdown. I think if you clear this in the class that will be great.
    I like the fact that you will be posting all the due work for the following week.
    Are we going to have any extra English lab classes?

    • Afroza

      I don’t think so have any extra lab classes

  3. Adam Shahin

    1. I like how the class doesn’t really have a final exam but has a final portfolio instead of everything we took this semester. It was similar but not similar to my last English class which is why it caught my eye and excited to see how it plays out for me.
    2. Do we have group work for the zoom meetings? I feel like since it’s virtual many people are gonna be shy and scared to talk to each other and everything will be awkward.
    3. I also have a similar question as another student about the work since it’s two classes. Is it one assignment each class or just one assignment on Wednesday?

    • Tenzin Norbu

      I’m pretty sure we’ll have group discussion, like she’ll put us into breakout rooms to discuss our thoughts and other things.

  4. Lisa

    1) I noticed the main focus on this class will be exploring new genres, reading a ton and reflecting on our own writing and I’m looking forward to that since it reminds me a lot of the English class I had taken last semester and I enjoyed it.
    2) No blackboard for this class just OpenLab which I never used before but it’s already looking easier than being on blackboard so that’s cool.
    3) Will there be an assignment given for each class or just one day of the week?

    • Afroza

      I used open lab my 1st semester so this is easy to use and professor will set up all like what we need to do and all have in set up open lab

  5. Ashley Gonzalez

    1) This quote stood out to me – “You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That’s why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence.”

    2) I am interested in being divided into groups to peer review other students work. Constructive criticism is incredibly useful.

    3) Huge fan of the fact that we do not have to use Blackboard for this course.

  6. Tenzin Norbu

    1) Will the different unit assignments be similar to what we did in ENG1101, where we’ll a literary narrative, informative essay, persuasive essay, etc?
    2) Openlab is completely new to me, all my other classes have been using blackboard.
    3) The “Adapt to and compose in a variety of genres” portion caught my eye because we’ll experiencing different genres, if it’s just the same genre it’ll get repetitive, making it harder to keep focus.

    • Valentina

      Open lab is actually a lot easier you”ll like it

  7. Vimalsan Manoharan

    The first thing that caught my interest is the fact that there’s no blackboard, this would be the second time I’ve used open labs so I’m pretty familiar with it. Another thing would be sending homework /information for credit is different which is cool. The last thing would be if there will be weekly assignments for homework or if the Mondays and Wednesday classes are going to be the same? (meaning like if one class will mainly focus on a particular thing)

  8. Romuald Thomas

    1) Noticed that the class have 3 unit each is 20% plus a final reflection
    2) Class is fully on open lab which I like because all my classes are here
    3) I noticed how instead of a final test, the class offers a final portfolio that includes everything we learned this semester. similar to the last English class I took,

  9. Jeffrey Escobedo

    1. Class starts at 2:30- 3:45, not 2:00 – 3:45, hmm, might’ve misread the time. 2 . Use Gmail instead of the school email to ask about any concerns. 3 . Email the professor at least 24 hours before the due date to extend the time.

  10. Jeffrey Escobedo

    1. Class starts at 2:30- 3:45, not 2:00 – 3:45, hmm, might’ve misread the time. 2 . Use Gmail instead of the school email to ask about any concerns. 3 . Email the professor at least 24 hours before the due date to extend the time.

    • Staceyydeleon

      1) i understand all class work and assignments will be posted on open lab.
      2) it’s my first time having a class that uses open lab instead of blackboard. Hopefully I get the hang of it quickly.
      3) we are able to extend our due date time if spoken to professor 24 hours prior.

  11. Gerardo Ramos

    I like how in the syllabus there is a lot of quotes to describe the work that will be done in class. I like the aspect of the class being a discussion focused style, not just the teacher talking. I think it brings others ideas into the discussion. I am concerned about the peer review portion of the class. I do not feel like I am a strong enough writer to be able to help someone with their paper. I feel like I would read the paper and say yea its fine sounds good to me. Other than that I have no other concerns with the class at the moment.

  12. Jenny

    I saw the syllabus I know I’m early on this but when it comes to tests such as essays will you go over it or would you tell us what to improve on or if we need to stay for extra help?
    Also, I didn’t know that professors can do open lab it is much better it is more organized, and it ain’t over the place.

  13. Valentina

    The syllabus is pretty clear
    Using open lab is great i remember using it last semester it’s much organized and looks more Modernized. Open lab will send us a email about next weeks topic which is good. Looking forward to this class seems good already the first class!

  14. Demetrius Brown-Williams

    – I appreciate how detailed the syllabus is.
    – The zero-cost textbooks are a good relief considering how much most of us already have to spend on textbooks in other classes,
    – I am wary about group work considering I like to do most things on my own.

    • Kimberly

      I agree that it is a relief that we don’t have to worry about buying books since they will be easily accessible and free.

    • Staceyydeleon

      heyy, I also like to do things on my own but its mostly because of my shyness. Hopefully us and our classmates make it a safe and comfortable environment to work together!

  15. Kimberly

    – OpenLab is new to me but I like it so far. Hopefully it will be easier to navigate than blackboard.
    – I like the idea of having discussions in class since it will allow us to share ideas. Everyone can contribute their different ways of thinking.
    – I am excited to be able to create a detailed portfolio that showcases my work and how my writing has improved from the start of the semester.

    • Demetrius Brown-Williams

      I feel like openlab and blackboard both have their flaws but it’s a bit more updated and modern which might make it easier to navigate.

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