Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Discussion Question: “Brainstorming Topics for the Unit 2 Assignment”

Antigone’s feelings about what happened to her brother Polyneices and the injustice done to him move her to action.

What are some social justice issues (local or global) that you feel strongly about and might inspire you to act?

Make a list of at least three issues (think about laws, policies, movements, etc.). Contemplate issues or problems–local, national, global–that matter to you and that you have questions about.

Just hit “reply” to this prompt!


  1. adisa dumani

    1- police brutality
    2-abortion laws
    3-climate justice
    4-gaza-israel conflict
    5- gun violence
    all these topics are something i can see myself writing about for the unit 2 assignment

    • stacey

      Some social justice issue that I feel strongly about and have inspired me to act are Gun Control, Animal rights, and Child labor.

  2. Ashley Gonzalez

    The three social justice issues that interest me are gender inequality, racial discrimination and climate change. I have questions such as, who is involved in these issues? Who is in charge of these topics? What can people do to help resolve the issue? Who is mainly affected by these social justice issues? and lastly, what can I do to pacify this issue?

  3. Vimalsan Manoharan

    One issue that matters to me is Covid-19 Mandates being mandatory in some states to all athletes in a professional setting, e.g., Basketball, football, baseball, and other sporting events. The reason I would pick this issue is that female and male athletes are being forced into getting the covid vaccine in order to get paid, and I would probably question Why or how the athletes are affected by this, to the ones that get the vaccine and to the ones that haven’t.

    2nd issue would have to be How Covid-19 has affected the unemployment rates in New York, and I would say the beginning of covid, during the peak of covid, and toward to end of covid.

    3rd issue I would have to say is the Gun Violence that is consistently happening in the U.S, and ways to decrease the number of casualties happening.

  4. Lisa Narinedhat

    My top 3 picks for social justice issues I care deeply about and want to learn more about are racial injustice issues, gun violence and income inequality/ income gap. I have participated in protests against the racial injustice issues and gun violence in the past and it felt nice to get together with a large community to protest these things. I have a lot of questions on those two issues specifically but a more big general question I have is whether or not things will ever get better or will it just get worse. What is truly going to put a stop to these issues?

  5. Jacky Li

    Some social justice issues that I feel strongly about would be creative classes for the youth, more accessible LGBTQ resources, hunger and food insecurity.

  6. Gerardo Ramos

    Homelessness- issue arise is that are we obligated to help and house those who have no homes due to not working or other circumstances

    Wealth disparity- whether or not the disparity of wealth is something that should be done about. How the top one percent has control of majority of money that is in existence. Should we tax more out of them or change wages to help the gaps.

    Police reform- very picky topic. It is to see whether or not we should defund the police. All police departments are different and does it actually do anything to help the community?

    • Gerardo Ramos

      Research Question Revised: How does Homelessness and affordable housing correlate? How does solving the homelessness issue helps a community and why should people care more about the issue?

  7. Stacey Deleon

    Three social issues that interest me to act are Gun Control, Child labor , And human trafficking. These are issues we are facing globally. Due the gun violence hundreds of thousands of innocent people die every year. The second amendment protects individual gun ownership which causes the life of many innocent people. Children are taken advantage of in poorer countries and put to work in very bad conditions.

  8. Rabbi

    Some social justice issues that I feel strongly about are like gun violence, early marriage, inequality. Early marriage is something I saw in Bangladesh where I used to live before.

  9. Kimberly

    The three social justices that i would find interesting to matter a lot to me are abortion, homelessness, and education. I believe these topics are very important and need to be talked about. I believe education is something that is very important and that everyone deserves to receive regardless of race or finances. Homelessness is a problem that is seen a lot in NYC and i would want to research and know what is being done to help them.

  10. Valentina

    A few issues that i would should is
    -gun violence, which has increased a lot about a past month already.
    – COVID vaccines mandates, city workers are going to be on unpaid leave if they are not vaccinated by the deadline and I remember hearing that the mayor said he’s doing this mandates because once people think about risking their job, their paycheck they will get the vaccine and its very hard for people to trust in the system and that seems a bit unfair in a few ways.
    -climate change, climate change has been a major issue now since hurricane ida occurred, the city wasn’t prepared and lost a few victims from flooded basements. The city has to act upon how they will prepare next time and how they are going to fix the problem of making basements more secured for people to live in, which i have heard that there were some basements that were illegal to live in.

  11. Afroza

    Some of are issues are
    religious faith, gender quality, gun violence, racial discrimination and police brutality that I want to talk about in Unit 2. These are all are happen in the whole world and I want to more about to know that. How can be resolved these and how it can be help in community.

  12. Hadassel Gomez

    Some issues I could talk about in the Unit 2 assigment are: School reform, Gun control and Wealth disparity. Those are some topics that are interesting to me. I could enjoy learning more about them and writing about them.

  13. Demetrius Brown-Williams

    Three social justice issues that I feel strongly about are climate change, the ever increasing wage/income gap, and racial injustice. These seem to be the most prevalent and pressing issues in our society today.

  14. Jenny

    1. Gun violence
    2. Racism
    3. Immigration
    What are some social justice issues (local or global) that you feel strongly about and might inspire you to act?
    The social justice issue that I feel strongly about is gun violence because we have innocent people dying and not only that we see how their families go through the hardest pain. There point where all over the news, social media how police killed a innocent black man there was when there everyone wanted justice and for that police pay for what he as done.

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