Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Discussion Question “Audience in Tan’s ‘Mother Tongue’”

Reply to this post. Who do you think would benefit or be interested in reading this piece? Why?


  1. Gerardo Ramos

    People who would be interested in this piece would be people who feel like they are stuck between two worlds of the same language or even one language to another. That they feel like there a way they want to say things but can not say it or found out new ways to say things. I feel like in all languages there is always a different way to say something, and people sometimes are either upset with the other ways or embrace the alternative speech. Either way people who experience that notion of different ways to say things would want to read this piece. If you was stuck in a small town and everyone spoke the same you will probably not be interested.

  2. Tenzin Norbu

    The people who would be most interested in reading this piece would the people who don’t speak english at home. In Amy Tan’s “Mother’s Tongue”, she talks about how her mother speaks “broken” english. Many people who speak a different language at home can relate to her stories because they might have been in similar situations.

  3. Hadassel Gomez

    I think that both native and non-native English speakers would benefit from reading this. That is because both would feel identify with this reading. I believe that most, if not all of us speak to close friends differently than we speak, for example: with a bank employed. Also, non-English speakers would identify themselves since most of our Spanish parents speak “Broken English”.

  4. Vimalsan Manoharan

    I think the people that would be benefited or be interested in this would be the second language speakers or the people that have come from different countries trying to understand English or have difficulties understanding your mother tongue and English coinciding with each other. Mother tongue can also give people hope or an understanding of how to overcome the struggles when you’re growing up.

  5. adisa dumani

    people who would benefit reading a piece like this would be the ones where English wasn’t their first language and who started learning English much later on in life. someone who compared to a person whos first language is English could be easy to detect and who have struggled learned the different ways of speaking English to different people like your friends co workers bosses and family. it would be a god read for them because it could show similar experiences and troubles that both tan and the reader went/ are going through. it could make readers feel not so alone about their struggles and feel seen or heard

  6. Adam Shahin

    The people who would benefit I think are people who have “broken English” and people who use “broken English” to communicate to a loved one/friend. I think it shows how everyone goes through something similar. The reading shows how someone or yourself may speak differently to someone who’s first language is not English and how wording is different when speaking to someone who does speak English very well.

  7. Jacky Li

    Although Amy Tan is writing from her perspective as an Asian American, I believe that anyone who comes from a family, where English is not their native language , can relate to what Tan is saying. Her experience of navigating the difficulties of coming from an immigrant household is very honorable.

  8. Eric

    Amy Tan’s writing piece can appeal to an audience that would be interested in trying to understand how people can go through speaking in a language they are most comfortable speaking to another which they’re limited to. In the essay, Tan mentioned how her mother were to speak English but not in a way where other people would speak it since it would be limited to a few words ( it would be considered broken English). Others would be interested in how she was able to live with that. While knowing one language, the other is greatly limited to those who aren’t used to speaking and anyone that reads her essay can acknowledge what they’ve read if they can relate to it. This would be great non native speakers or anyone having trouble trying to communicate with their families.

  9. abdullah

    The people that would benefit this essay are people that come from a foreign country and English is there second language. People who have trouble to speak out a full sentence. when they speak or compare them to someone who speaks fluent English they can see that others can say a full sentence with out stopping or miss pronune saying a word.the reason why this can be there audience because they can see that the mom is very smart but speaks broken English and only some people can understand them fully and that will push them to speak English fluently.

  10. Romuald Thomas

    Amy Tan’s article would interest a lot of people but however, I believe it would catch more attention from the foreign audience, people that English is their second language. for example Myself I realize a lot of the stuff she did, I was doing them too , when i moved here was my mom 7 years ago. My mother took some time to learn the languages, I had to speak slow broken English so she can fully understand.

  11. Afroza

    I think people who would be benefits people whop have broken English and people who have second language English because In “Mother Tongue” mentioned about who have broken English. Also, Amy Tan’s behavior shows how to respect who don’t speak English or broken English In the Story.

  12. Rabbi

    I think people who speak more than one language or the people who face this kind of situation in their daily lives will be more interested in reading this piece of writing. It shows how we communicate in separate ways and how our way of talking can change other people around us. This relates to common people’s lives. People who face this kind of problem know the struggle and they will be attracted to read this.

  13. Ashley Gonzalez

    I believe that Tan’s piece “Mother Tongue” would relate to people who may be insecure when they speak a certain language. Whether you’re with people that speak that specific language or one that is entirely different. Also, I believe people who are willing to learn different languages should read it as well so they won’t feel intimidated.

  14. Lisa

    I would say that people who have parents who don’t speak english fluently would enjoy reading this piece by Amy Tongue because they can relate to many of the experience she has. I myself can relate to certain experiences Amy has with her mom such as the talking on the phone with customer representatives posing as her mother. I’ve done that various of times because my mother feels as if they would understand me more since my English is better than hers. I also think that Amy grabs the attention of the Asian-Americans because she states that majority of American literature excludes Asian-Americans however she also states that a survey shows that this is because they do better in math and part of this can be from the way English is spoken at home. So in a way this piece of writing can influence some Asian-Americans to consider working on an English major such as Amy.

  15. Staceyydeleon

    People who would be most interested in reading this piece would be people who feel as if the language barrier affects them in a certain way and is challenging individuals to fully express themselves. While reading “Mothers Tongue” by Amy Tan’s she spoke on how Asian American students do significantly better on math achievements tests than on English tests. This is something I was able to relate to being that English wasn’t my first language and I can agree that I always did better in my math classes than English. I struggled to embrace my accent when I was younger and speak up. But as Amy Tan said, just because somebody’s English isn’t the same, doesn’t mean they are limited or speak broken English.

  16. Jeffrey Escobedo

    The audience who’ll benefit from this article are people who speak more than one language. This article shines a light on people struggling to communicate with English-speaking people, they struggle to get a point across because of the person who speaks English fluently. I have a friend who is French-Canadian. Her first language wasn’t English but French so her English wasn’t fluent but since my first language is English I understand most of the words she is saying and understand the context of what she is trying to say. The moral of the story is that people struggle to get something across from a native English speaker.

  17. Demetrius Brown-Williams

    Those whose first language is not English would definitely benefit from this. As children from immigrant families, we often get tasked to be the on-call translator from when we’re young. For some, it can be difficult and embarrassing. I think this could help others become a lot more comfortable as in not seeing it as a burden but as a gift and something we can be proud of.

  18. Valentina

    I think whoever reads this that comes with being born with a different language than English can relate a lot with her most people don’t speak proper English with family or friends since they have another way of speaking which is easier for, more comfortable for them to speak. They would benefit from this by not being so embarrassed as it happens too many people. Also they would learn or notice that they are such code switch which is good technique to use.

  19. Jenny

    Well, people who would be interested in reading the piece are people who speak another language than just English. However, there isn’t anything wrong with that but English is a big thing especially in the U.S that is how many people commicate. There is nothing to be shame of because English isn’t my first language I speak more Spanish than English such as my parents who came to this country without knowing any English. At first, their English wasn’t good but over the years they got better. So Audience in Tan’s ‘Mother Tongue” is a good story to read and relate too I really recommend it.

  20. Jenny

    Well, people who would be interested in reading the piece are people who speak another language than just English. However, there isn’t anything wrong with that but English is a big thing especially in the U.S that is how many people commicate. There is nothing to be shame of because English isn’t my first language I speak more Spanish than English such as my parents who came to this country without knowing any English. At first, their English wasn’t good but over the years they got better. So Audience in Tan’s ‘Mother Tongue” is a good story to read and relate too I really recommend it.

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