Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2021

Deyby Ramirez, Social Justice Brainstorm

As I mentioned before, I’m considering mass shootings as my topic for the annotated bibliography. We are all aware that this is one of the biggest issues that affect our communities, so it would be helpful to learn more about this issue and the possible solutions.

In the ten years between 2009 and 2018, 1,121 people were shot and killed in the United States in a mass shooting, and 836 more were shot and wounded. The reach of each mass shooting stretches far beyond those killed and wounded, harming the well-being of survivors, their families, and entire communities.

What causes some individuals to commit this terrible crime?

How many people are affected directly or indirectly by mass shootings in the US?

How can we stop mass shootings?

What’s preventing the government from finding and implementing a solution?


  1. Nayeli Gomez

    I really like your topic Deyby. I think your questions are very well executed. The one that stands out is, What’s preventing the government from doing something to help stop the mass shootings.

  2. Aimen Souchane

    That’s a good topic. The questions are well done. The question I have is, does gun violence have a greater impact on some people than others?

  3. Said_U

    So based on your questions your against mass shooting so your trying to find what causes it. and “maybe” you can talk about gun laws, should or should not people own guns.
    By introducing gun laws you can write also why they should and shouldn’t which turns it into a 2 side view.

  4. Deyby Ramirez

    My revised question will be: What causes mass shootings in the United States?

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