We aren’t meeting for this Wednesday, September 15, but the following assignments will keep this class fresh in your mind, so when we meet on September 22, you’ll be ready to dive in!

Think about the issues/problems that face your three discourse communities, and by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, September 15, complete the following assignment.

  • Respond (you only need to hit the “reply” button to the following hyperlink) to the Discussion Question â€śProblems and Issues”: Go back to your list of Discourse Communities and name two or three problems or issues that are central to each one.
  • Make sure you’ve completed all the previous assignments. Check on Week 3’s Agenda (hint: Swales & My Discourse Communities).

By class time on Wednesday, September 22, you need to have done the following:

  • Read my Announcement.
  • You need to have read and reread the the major writing assignment for Unit 1 on OpenLab under Major Assignments, decided on ONE discourse community, identified the issues your DC faces, and chosen whether you’re going to write a speech or a letter to an outside audience. 
  • We’ll be discussing your DCs/issues in class, so be prepared! If you’re unsure of which DC to use, come talk to me during an office hour on Tuesday!
  • Read and be prepared to discuss Mary Wollstonecraft’s “Dedicatory Letter” (don’t worry, you only need to read pages 1-3) to A Vindication of the Rights of Woman for Wednesday, September 22.
  • Watch or read the transcript of Stella Young’s TedTalk. Be prepared to discuss it on Wednesday, September 22.
  • After reading Wollstonecraft’s letter and reading/watching Young’s speech, consider the following for discussion in class:
    • What is Wollstonecraft’s discourse community? What is Young’s?
    • What’s the issue each of these women are sharing about their discourse community?
    • Who is the intended audience for each work?
    • How are the letter and speech similar? How are they different?
    • Which did you feel more connected with? Why?