My neighborhood: In the event of an emergency or any other sudden and dire situation, as a community living in the same area, we frequently help each other out, such as cleaning the streets, give food, or exchange tools for construction. it is common for us to communicate through our neighbors and give information of what is happening in the area.
Tiktok community: TikTok, a popular app, has recently had an impact on Teens and young adults. it allows them to explore and perform the nuances of online identity while also building audiences through participatory culture. This app also permits giving out ideas or opportunities that people find it difficult to obtain outside social media.
Family: the goal in my family is to always support and help each other. We mostly talk about what goes on in our daily lives and what our future plans are, but there’s also has to be those words of support and advice. Our way to communicate with each other is mainly by letters or text messaging. Sometimes we write notes to each other or reminders. Our primary language is Spanish, but sometimes English is always included. Whenever there’s someone that needs assistance in managing the English grammar, there’s always someone that guides them to remember the words. Such as my cousin and other family members.
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