Classroom groupchat – I am a part of a group chat for my Health Care Ethics class. Every member is a part of the course. In this chat we get to ask questions and assure ourselves about due dates. We communicate through texts as a quick way to connect with each other.

Family – I belong to my family. We stick together because we’re blood related. We sometimes have arguments about who will do the chores or who gets to pick the movie on movie nights. But, at the end of the day we stick up for each other if someone upsets any of us. We all talk to each other in Spanish because the parents in the family fluently speak Spanish.

Church class – On Saturday’s I have church class. We are preparing ourselves for confirmation. Everyone’s Catholic and believe in the 7 sacraments. In this class we learn more about god and expand our knowledge in the religion. We all talk in English because that’s the common language everyone speaks in the class.