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Part 2

Osamwonyi Noyiagbon
English 1101


Reflection of U3 

Word count: 701

The genre I picked was a public service announcement (PSA for short). Psa’s are short 30 second to 1:30 minute videos which tell the audience of a current issue and how they can prevent this by providing a solution. Although not limited to just being videos as they can also be poster psa’s are meant to convey a message of how knowledgeable individuals can get help for a current situation they are facing or one which may plague them in the future.In a short video format It’s organized by the speaker first introducing themself, identifying the audience which they’re talking to, the issue which this audience is facing, and finally a possible solution. Psa’s almost always have a credible well known person or mascot speaking to the audience. Although psa’s are not limited to even a person/mascot being present and instead images/videos in the backdrop which are related to the issue being stated with dubbed over voice lines talking about various statistics and solutions for said problem. Due to their short length psa’s can’t take a lot of time beating around the bush so they get straight to the point very quickly as said earlier that they are only 30 seconds to 1 minute and 30 seconds in length. Lastly at the end the speaker thanks the listeners for tuning it and will usually have a random one liner pertaining to the situation. The audience for psa’s are mainly young children to teens meaning the age range would be something like 5 – 17 as it’s very young children to teenagers, this is due to psa’s being pretty short in length to cater to younger humans having less of an attention span while also not retaining information from reading very well so short videos are the perfect way to get a message across (tik tok is a bi product of this). Psa’s are meant for any type of community just for any children or any young teens who have access to videos or tv. The specific audience which I will share my research with like stated earlier is young children and teens. Teens are obviously much more impressionable and can change their way of thinking very quickly due to being in their developmental stages, this makes them much more impressionable than any other age group in the world which makes them the most sustainable to heavy mental attacks and coercion. Mix this in with a stressful situation and being confronted by very serious crimes by an authorial figure we are conditioned to never lie to under any circumstances and you have a person who is just waiting to crack and say something they have done which they actually haven’t. My audience likely knows nothing on this topic apart from the bare minimum like the process of police interrogations but definitely don’t know that officers are allowed to lie to you in interrogation rooms, multiple cases in the past of teens giving false confession and being trialed as if they had committed the crime, police using violence in interrogation rooms, how interrogation rooms are meant to make the suspect feel anxiety by having no windows being a very enclosed area with only the individual and the officer all are meant to make someone confess even if it is false. Many police investigators walk into investigation rooms think the suspect is innocent causing there mission to not be to pry information from the suspect but to instead get a confession out of the suspect. A few concerns or assumptions which they may have about this topic is how valid this information is about what police officers can possibly be doing which I have stated as a lot of this information isn’t common knowledge and requires a decent amount of digging to learn. Finally for five unique traits that only my genre has is that psa’s are in video format, they can portray an entire story in just a few seconds, are targeted towards teenagers which is becoming much more difficult in this day and age, having a very popular celebrity or mascot be the speaker, and lastly almost always being linked back to a association which is funding the creation of the video.