Sweileh, Waleed M., et al. ā€œBibliometric Analysis of Global Migration Health Research in Peer-Reviewed Literature (2000ā€“2016) – BMC Public Health.ā€ SpringerLink, BioMed Central, 20 June 2018, link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12889-018-5689-x.

Summary: This article focused on the needs of migrants and immigrants alike who may enter a new country and not have any access to medical insurance or care because of their legal status which leaves them very vulnerable and with few options for medical services. The article itself is peer-reviewed and depicts how little immigrants were acknowledged back then to how now they are being given a voice no matter their status or where they are, but the article also talks about how papers depict the struggles of immigrants and negative outcomes of their immigration to another country.

Analysis: Many migrants do not have any access to health care and much less have any acknowledgment or a voice to talk about their needs. In the past 5-10 years countries have begun to acknowledge the immigration populations in their borders and some have also begun to give theme access to legalization and nationality to then open doors to more things like health care and job opportunities.

“The strategy developed was based on constructing a separate search strategy for each component in the spectrum of the definition of international migrants. Therefore, a search query was developed for the following components: (1) migrant workers, (2) refugees/asylum seekers/displaced people (not internally displaced), (3) international students, (4) trafficked victims/victims of human smuggling, (5) patientsā€™ mobility across borders, and (6) international migrants/immigration.” This is key in order to understand the social and financial situation that immigrants begin their life with in a new country.