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Summary The committee chairman, Rep. Jim Jordan from Ohio, described New York as “a city that has lost its way … here in Manhattan, the scales of justice are weighed down by politics. For the district attorney justice isn’t blind, it’s about looking for opportunities to advance a political agenda: a radical political agenda.”

While there is a belief among some Republicans that New York is in the midst of a crime wave, ask New Yorkers how concerned they are about crime and you’ll get all kinds of different answers. Among them: a sense of doom, that the city is heading back into the bad old days. But these visions are distinctly at odds with the data. Experts say crime rates in the city have in fact been decreasing. So what’s up with the difference between perception and reality?

The opinions are different and divided but the reality it’s that crimes are increasing. 

Reflection: In my opinion NYC has become more dangerous that what it was years ago because of the decrease of criminal justice laws some crimes may decreased but others are still on the rise I’ve seen crimes happening around my area in Queens, there’s always something happening I’ve seen people on the streets getting arrested, detectives catching criminals, I’m aware that there are a lot of crimes that may happen at the same time but the real question is why are they happening.Is it the people or what they do or consume 

Quotation- Crime is everywhere, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it but we can reduce it by reducing causes of crimes or increasing the punishment people get.- Me