Amy Farrell, et al. “The Problem of Human Trafficking in the U.S.: Public Frames and Policy Responses.” Journal of Criminal Justice, Pergamon, 25 Oct. 2009, 

This article discussed about how there is a lot of human trafficking in America but there isn’t any aware brought to it by the government.It goes into depth for the reason why human trafficking isn’t getting the attention.The main reason is that government officials believe that America is great but the if the number of actual human trafficking are exposed which is in the millions it’ll have a negative impact on America.Also there are connection be multiple government officials and the victims of human trafficking. If human trafficking was publicized more the victims might have a connection with government officials which would lead to not only the distrust of the government officials but America as a whole.There are also many way they cover up cases of human trafficking by labeling it under other charges like prostitution or pornography.Also many of the victims are childern so they can’t speak up.In conclusion there is a corruption in our government and there are many victims of human trafficking that are hidden from us.

When looking for a article I was trying to find a connection between human trafficking and America to see how prevalent it was here.I tried to find article on Jeffery Epstein first but for some reason nothing came up when I search it into the city tech library.Then I decided to find out whether human trafficking takes place in America and who are involved.To my surprise many government officials try to cover up the existence of human trafficking by change the label or not addressing it. On top of that they had connection to the victims which made me question how many people in our government had a hand in this and also who can we trust to tell us the truth.

“fight trafficking have estimated thousands and potentially millions of victim”