English 1101

Unit 1 Writing Assignment

Everyone has their own person or thing to help motivate their education or career goals. Life isn’t easy as we all get older and After graduating High School it showed that life just going to hit you out of nowhere with a lot of responsibilities. We all know that we need that one thing or person to help keep us moving to get what we want/need in this life to survive. There’s a saying “If you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere” So from growing up in New York as a baby and now becoming an adult that saying has become reality.   

I’m the second generation of my family to go to college. I’m the youngest child of the 3 kids my mom had. Being the 2nd generation to do this puts a lot of pressure on me, but it also motivates me to get the bachelor’s degree for the career I want. All the educational achievements I’ve gained throughout my years even now for my mom. When I got to the appropriate age to understand life, my mom told me about her whole life and her experiences in life to show me how hard life can be and how I need to take advantage of the opportunities life gives me if I want to be successful and survive in this world we live in. After that day I knew what I had to do, and how to do it and it all started with my education.

  My mom is my motivator when it comes to life and education. My mother is from the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago, at the age of 10 she moved to New York. After having my brother, my mom didn’t get to finish her education so she went straight into working to provide for him. It was hard to make a living back then not being able to finish getting an education in New York with a kid. Throughout my life, I saw my mom working long hours, barely taking time to take a break to ensure we were secure. Knowing and understanding my mom’s story I realize how easy my mom tried to make me and my siblings’ lives so that we wouldn’t struggle.

I thought college would be something like high school but in reality, it’s harder than I thought. I would be lying if I said I haven’t been struggling with school, but my mom always tells me “Life is hard and it’s going to get harder as long as I keep my head up, I will make it through this world”. So every day I keep my head up and try my best to get through my classes and schoolwork one day at a time. If it wasn’t for my mom behind me every step of the way from elementary school to now, I honestly wouldn’t know what I would be doing and what career path I would want. Being a pediatrician is something I knew I wanted to be from a young age because I love kids and I always wanted to help people be healthy and get better. Having my mom by my side supporting and helping me the best she can to make sure I get into the medical field to become the doctor I want, makes me want to go for it more and try even harder in school, to show my mom I did it and it was all cause of her.

Anything that motivates education has a lot of positive outcomes. It allows us to explore various things including subjects and discover interests, and strengths, and it helps us on a deeper level of thinking and real-world problems. What motivates us more is that it contributes to enhancing our performance in school, increasing self-confidence, and a greater sense of achievement. It helps with the foundation of personal and societal growth for the various aspects of life. When the goals we have are set and motivated we tend to work harder but also persevere through the challenges we face along the way.