Writing my educational narrative was a profoundly personal journey that highlighted both my academic problems and successes. “Shitty First Drafts” has had a significant impact on my writing approach this school year. Lamott’s candid exploration of the messiness and imperfection in initial drafts gave me the freedom to embrace my own imperfect first few attempts. It allowed me to overcome the fear of judgement, I looked at it as a renewed sense of freedom, knowing that producing a compelling narrative requires layers of revision and refinement in my writings. I started by simply writing down my thoughts, memories, and emotions without regard for self censorship. This unrestrained approach assisted me in capturing the essence of my educational experiences. Lamott’s insight helped me reframe my entire writing process, allowing me to see my story as a work in progress rather in helping me grow rather than a suffocating pursuit of an unattainable idea.Â