Prof. Jessica Penner | D420 | Fall 2023

Shykya Williams, U2 Questions Brainstorm

Topic #1 : BLM Movement

Why do some people take BLM as black lives are the only lives that matter?

Rather than staying true to the meaning behind it, how and why did the BLM movement turn into a marketing ploy for companies?

Topic #2: US History/Secrets:

Why are a lot of the truths about the US history not being revealed or talked about as much as they should be?

Does the US government keep things from the public for good reason (ex: to avoid potentially putting fear in citizens) or is it because of corruption?

Topic #3: The U.S’. Concerns for the Health of Citizens

Why are foods that are legal in the US banned in other countries?

Is the US government trying to make their citizens sick (ex: putting ingredients that are bad for us in our foods) for economical gain?

Why isn’t the US government concerned about the health of their citizens more?

1 Comment

  1. Kia

    How did the drug war become the new Jim Crow?

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