Prof. Jessica Penner | D420 | Fall 2023

Huimei Liao, Education Narratives

Even though Douglass, Malcolm X, and Jiang’s writings are from different time periods, they are all memories of journeys that the authors took while pursuing education.  They were all under the category of education narratives because readers would be inspired by their stories. As a reader, I was very inspired by their stories. If they were able to get their education during such difficult times and obstacles, I don’t see why I can’t when I have better resources than them. Their stories gave me courage and taught me never to give up. Overall, Douglass, Malcolm X, and Jiang’s writings are inspirations that push readers forward in their education path. Their writings are ladders for those who are in their lowest stage.

1 Comment

  1. Tasnim

    In all three of Jiangs, Douglass, and Malcolm x writing pieces they all write about their experiences with education. They all add personal anecdotes to give a sense of connections between the reader and writer. Although their targerted audience is not the same as they come from different ethnic backgrounds and upbringings. I personally relate mostly to Jiangs story as i am a south asian women who comes from an immigrant family. I understand what its like to kind of fend for yourself when you dont have anyone who is able to help you in certain circumstances. Although I do not relate to Douglas to some degree, I do sympathize with him and agree with his values.

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