Prof. Jessica Penner | D438 | Fall 2022

OWEN ZHANG, My Writing Process

I write multiple drafts because I know that if I did this last minute you wouldn’t have time to edit and I rather have time to edit stuff instead of rushing. And plus everything set to the last minute will just give me a bad grade in general and it doesn’t help me grow as a writer. I also need time to proofread because editing and reviewing my work is very important for an assignment. Something I need to improve on is doing it extra early cause I don’t usually walk to write my draft and I usually do it when I find the motivation or when I absolutely needed to do it. Finally, it also when I need to work on is when I say I am going to do something but I actually don’t then that is also a very big problem for me.


  1. Owen Zhang

    1.    What have you decided to focus on for your education narrative? Why have you chosen to tell this particular story?

    From the second grade when I first came to New York and started learning English for the first time in New York and progresses to middle school. This particular story really showed how much friends are as essential as life itself.

    2.    What is the meaning/significance of your story? Why should people read it? Write this out in one sentence.

    The significance of my story is to show that friends are very important and everyone needs them for the better or worst future because people should read it to see how important friends can be in really tough and desperate situations. 

    I want them to feel like they totally agree with this and want to continue and keep their friends close, protect them, and be there for them

    3.    In one word, how do you want people to feel when they are done reading your story? 


    4.    Freewrite details you remember about the situation you are describing: include people, places, dialogue, feelings, thoughts, etc. that are connected to your story.

    It was my first time in New York going to a new school in PS2 and feeling like I was welcomed but not welcomed in the class.

  2. Owen Zhang

    Exposition/Inciting Incident (who, what, when, where, and how does your story begin?)


        Me coming to New York starting brand new and meeting new people

        It was in my first time in New York when I first went to my first school

    2.    Rising Action (you should include a lot of the story details here)

        The problem is me trying to talk to other people to make new friends because I am very bad at speaking out and trying to make new friends since I get subnervous and tend to back off or don’t actually face the fear that I can’t talk to new people

    3.    Climax (the moment of most drama and significance)

        This is where I try to talk to other people in other classes and that was only the first issue in my journey cause I couldn’t either approach them or even have the confidence to go up to them and start having a conversation

    4.    Falling Action (what happened after?)

        I went to another class and started talking to people there for the first time and it wasnt how I planned it out to be at all. It was really refreshing and relaxing that I did it. I felt a sense of relief because I finally did something that I never did before and it felt so amazing.

    5.    Resolution (what was the result of this experience? What is the significance?)

        The result is that there is no harm to do something new like talking to friends. Its just that you need to believe in yourself and go for it because I would have never new it was possible if I didnt try it.

  3. Owen Zhang

    When I was in second grade, I was that dum-dum gum-gum type of guy since it was my first time in New York and my learning skills were off the charts. Some may say I was illiterate because of the slow change of pace in my learning life. There I was a person who didn’t do much work and as the introvert that I am I couldn’t make friends or even approach them. Once I arrived in class I neither felt welcomed nor happy to be in that class due to them not being welcoming or not feeling that I belonged there. I felt so left out and the only one that didn’t belong in the class. The learning experience changed with the fact that my Chinese was oof-ed and reading, writing, and my head thinking were too much for my small brain cells at work. I felt like an outcast that didnt belong in the class because I couldn’t chat with them and They rarely talked to me. Eyes peeling, nose bursting, and ear waxing: learning a new language is tough as nails. I couldn’t understand much and I kept getting pulled out of the class by the teacher due to learning really slowly and not getting help from my peers around me. Making new friends was a real issue for me because I couldn’t talk to them due to the fact that I get really sub nervous whenever I try to talk to new people. When I try talking to other people I always stop halfway and don’t persuade any further. But when I met a friend magnet who was more outgoing and I always felt comfortable around him. He was always reassuring and had normal conversations. He was my one and only friend at PS2. From that day on I wanted to be like him, he was truly outgoing, and try to be but I couldn’t be or become him because I am my own person, personality, and traits. Friends come a long way and it won’t hurt by talking to new people. You only live once you take this opportunity because this chance will only come once since you will only be a child once and be that age once.

    The year went by like wildfire. It was at the beginning of third grade when I felt like I had settled down in the new grade. But unfortunately, that has come to an end where my transfer was inevitable and after I settled in I was about to get unsettled in a new school. I am like whaa I don’t wanna go because I started to get settled down. Bruh everything I try to learn something new but all that I have learned from the past year will be gone cause I am going to a new place and a new start. The thing I learned in PS2 will carry on to my new school, but there was one thing I couldn’t do which was to make new friends because I didn’t have the confidence to start a normal conversation. It always started with them coming to me and asking if they wanted to be my friend and that’s how it went. I don’t want it to be one way because with this happening I will forever be an introvert and never learned how to take risks to pass my inner and outer fear.I couldn’t usually start a conversation so I could never initial if I wanted to be their friend or no intention. This happened when I was in third grade and going through my fifth grade where I couldn’t do anything at all. Starting in third grade I felt more welcome than I did when I was in PS2, it felt really heartwarming. At the same time, I felt welcomed. I saw someone that I like at first sight and the worst part is I could never approach her because she was always with her friends and I could never talk to new people in a group because I am too nervous and quiet about that. After I was introduced I was in the best position because I got to sit next to her. I was “uh, uh hi, ma ma my na name is a Owen it’s a nice to a meet you.” She was relaxed and smiled “hi Owen, My name is Allison it is nice to meet you too!” Wow, and it was very calm and collected for me. After that, I still continued to talk to Allison and Cindy because those 2 people were my only friends at the time and we sat together. I could never talk to other people. I was still so nervous talking to other people and I wasn’t confident in my abilities to make new friends. I was starting to get used to talking to them until another person came over to tell me to stop talking to one of them because they said it was not a good idea to talk to them. The teacher moved my seats around to meet new people. I met a few new people but this time I was able to initiate the conversation and asked them to be my friend because I had help from Allison and I was more confident in myself to make the conversation. I was able to learn something while I got help from my friends and made new friends. You won’t learn anything if you don’t try first and take the risk yourself. Also, I also learned that you can’t wait until other people make their move first because I need to be active as well not just other people.

        Once third grade was over I sadly had to repeat a grade due to by grades but I met new people and I try to do what Allison has taught me and try to make new friends and go up to them. Repeating a year my first friend in the repeated first year was Raymond. He was more of a serious and chill type of guy who is very smart but I usually talk to him more often until I made new other friends. I tried to talk to them whenever I can. I started making more friends and understanding that Friends are a great blessing for the learning process.


    This continued on through 5th grade and I had a lot more friends when I needed help I always asked them for help. I learned that the hard way but my learning experience changed when I had friends because they will be there for you whenever you are in trouble and always support you where such cases will come when you move to an unknown land and start fresh and new. I finally started to understand that making friends and being confident in yourself is key to making your learning experience worth you’re wild. Time’s like these you would want to do what you can because you only get one chance of being young.

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