We have so far read three different pieces and labeled them “education narratives.” Although each piece is different and are not directly related, they do share some things that’s categorizes them as ‘education narratives.’ Jiang, Malcolm X, and Douglas pieces all share the fact that they are stories about themselves. Each one tells what they have gone through and share what they have learned. Jiang for example uses foreshadowing in her piece because she uses certain events that happened in her childhood to later in the piece reflect her choice of career. Malcolm X teaches us how determination can lead to success and tells us his experience in learning how to read/educate himself. While Douglas talks about his experience being a slave and how tough it was for a slave like him to have an education. What we can say is that all of these pieces have a sort of lesson learned but also inform and educate us. We learned new things through the experience of these narrators. We can also in some relate to them in some form and that is what an “educative narrative” is supposed to do.