Prof. Jessica Penner | D4308 | Fall 2022

Alejandra Romero, My writing process

When I approach my writing assignments it’s usually last minute and yes I know that’s bad but it’s hard for me to start writing something. Sometimes it’s because I don’t fully understand the assignment or have no idea where to start so I wait until a little before the deadline. I will try to start it before, I even would dedicate a whole day to just focusing on a writing assignment and nothing. When I start it,  I always write it in google docs and when I’m done I reread it to catch any misspellings or to add words. I would like to start earlier and make many drafts to keep fixing and adding stuff. 

1 Comment

  1. ALEJANDRA Romero

    First, answer the following questions: 

    1. What have you decided to focus on for your education narrative? Why have you chosen to tell this particular story?I have chosen to focus on the time I got my first job. I have chosen to tell this particular story because it was something completely new for me and it changed my mindset about my future. 
    1. What is the meaning/significance of your story? Why should people read it? Write this out in one sentence.

    People should read it because I feel like most people go through the same thing after graduating high school, they question themselves about what they want to do in the future. 

    1. In one word, how do you want people to feel when they are done reading your story? 


    1. Freewrite details you remember about the situation you are describing: include people, places, dialogue, feelings, thoughts, etc. that are in some way connected to your story.

    My coworkers, my family & friends. My job, stressed, confused. 

    Second, review what you have so far and try to label the features of your narrative arc. 

    1. Exposition/Inciting Incident (who, what, when, where, and how does your story begin?

    It began on the first day of my job August 17, 2021. I was working 5 days a week. I had met my coworkers. School was starting soon.

    1. Rising Action (you should include a lot of the story details here)

    I was trying to balance work and college but I couldn’t and I was stressed because my coworkers my age seemed to be doing fine. 

    1. Climax (the moment of most drama and significance)

    I was on my break just thinking of how boring it is to come to work everyday and do the same thing every-day. I had failed many classes from the semester and all because I couldn’t focus on just college. I wanted to drop out so I can just save up and then later on focus on school. 

    1. Falling Action (what happened after?)

    My coworkers kept telling me not to leave college because I will regret it. Everyone just kept saying to go because it’ll be worth it. I also agreed because I don’t want to just work for the rest of my life

    1. Resolution (what was the result of this experience? What is the significance?)

    I realized I did want to go to college and just because I failed the semester doesn’t mean I shouldn’t go back. It means I have to take it serious if it’s what I really want. 

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