Note: The next two weeks are a bit odd at City Tech. We have class on Monday (10/3) but not on Wednesday, and then we don’t have class the following Monday but we do have class on Wednesday (10/12)!
Before class on Monday, do the following…
- Complete a worksheet titled “Shitty First Draft” by our next class on Monday, 10/3. You can find it under Course Profile > Files > ENG1101 Handouts > Shitty First Draft.
- This document will help guide you through writing your first draft of the Education Narrative, which is due 10/12!
During class on Monday, we will…
- Be sure to have the worksheet I assigned last week (“Shitty First Drafts”) as well as a copy of your Education Narrative (either digital or paper) on hand.
- If you have a laptop or tablet, please bring it today, because we’re going to spend most of class writing!
- We’ll review the worksheet in small groups for a short period of time.
- When time’s up, please go to the Full Name, My Writing Process you created last week and hit “reply.” Then copy and paste the document in the response section (this is how I’ll know you’ve completed this assignment).
- Next, work on revising Unit 1: Education Narrative on your own for a specified amount of time. We’re going to do a quick peer review, so please spend the time wisely!
- Email whatever you’ve written to the assigned peer. When you receive your partner’s draft, quickly read and respond to the following questions on the Google Doc I’ll be emailing to you during class.
After Monday’s class, do the following…
- Review your partner’s comments on the Google Doc. Review the following items online as you work on a second draft:
- For more on quotation sandwiches see the “Quotation Handout” by Carrie Hall. If you need help with citing sources, refer to the City Tech Library’s “Citation and Formatting Guide,” Purdue OWL’s “MLA Style Introduction,” or the City Tech Writing Center at https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/writingcenter/.
- Review the presentation on paragraphing by Prof. Carrie Hall. Then return to your draft and make decisions about how to break up and organize the paragraphs.
- Next, think about your reader and the direction and flow of your piece. Where do you want the reader to pause and reflect? Where do you want to push them ahead to the next idea? Where do you want to remind them of something you said earlier? Where do you want to emphasize something? Use transition phrases to direct your reader and to connect ideas. To help you integrate transitions, consult Purdue Owl’s list of transitions and Purdue OWL’s explanation of how to write transitions.
- Find a place where you can describe a person, place, or action/event using vivid description. Consider all five senses and add at least two to that description.
- Find two places where you can add dialogue and do so.
No class on Wednesday, 10/5 OR Monday, 10/10.
We next meet on Wednesday, 10/12!
During class on Wednesday, 10/12, we will…
Peer Review:
- Bring a complete draft (at least 1,000 words) to class–preferably printed, but at least a digital copy you can quickly email to your partner! Remember, just bringing a draft to be peer reviewed earns 50 points!
- Go to Course Profile > Files > ENG1101 Handouts to find the “Educational Narrative Peer Review Worksheet” and download a copy.
- Please be prompt! If you come late to class, you might not get a partner to peer review your draft. If you are late or miss class, talk/email me to find out what you need to do to earn the 50 points.
- You have the entire class time to complete this assignment; that said, don’t RUSH!
- When you’re finished, both you and your partner come to my desk to show me the essay AND the peer review worksheet to earn the points. If you leave without showing me the work or show an incomplete worksheet you won’t earn the points.
Websites to review as you write:
- Review “Citation and Formatting Guide” (City Tech Library).
- Review “MLA Style Introduction” (Purdue OWL).
- Review “Writing Transitions” (Purdue OWL).
- Review “What’s a Paragraph?” by Carrie Hall.
Looking ahead to next week (exact dates for assigned reading/watching TBA)…
Unit 1: Education Narrative due on 10/19!
Texts/Media we’ll be reading/reviewing:
- Read “A Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin.
- Watch “Writing an Annotated Bibliography” (City Tech Library).
- Review “Annotated Bibliography Breakdown” (Purdue OWL).
- Read the Declaration of Independence.
- Listen to the Declaration of Independence.
- Read The Declaration of Independence Annotated by Randy Barnett.
- Read “38” by Layli Long Soldier.
- Review “Quotation Handout” by Carrie Hall.
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