Tuesday, 9/19

Session Topics and Activities

  • We’re going to go on a quest during the first half of the session. You will ask City Tech two questions about being a student and you will be asked to locate certain resources at City Tech and take a selfie in front of them.
    • When you’re in your assigned group, choose one person to be the scribe.
  • Ferdousi Alam, who is a senior academic advisor in the Health Sciences Department, will be visiting our class to make a presentation about the various health-related majors available within the School of Professional Studies. Since many of you are undeclared/undeclared health majors, we hope this will be more directly relevant to many of your interests.
    • Be ready with your notebook and pen for notes!

To Do Before Class

  • Complete Reflection on OpenLab by replying to Reflection #3 Post.
  • Be prepared to walk around City Tech campus in today’s session.

To Do After Class

  • Complete Reflection on OpenLab by replying to Reflection #4 Post.