Professor Jessica Penner / Peer Mentors David Mendez Medina & Christian Lozano

Reflection #8

Think about a time when you joined a new group activity (maybe a team, religious retreat, club, or workplace).

  • How did you feel when you first joined? 
  • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
  • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?


  1. Rosdnier Grullon

    I joined a group in Bio Lab and I felt good. The moment I recalled when I joined a group was in highschool because I had to do group work sometimes. The benefits to working in a group it helps to work with others than by yourself because it gets the job done easier.

    • Christian Lozano

      I find working in groups to be easier as well but the only time when it sucks is when there are people who try to leech but luckily that’s less tolerated in college and in the workplace.

  2. Kimberly

    I felt normal was just hoping everyone else would be open to the group. I recall a moment where I felt part of the group and it was nice talking to my peers about what our plans for our careers was. Benefits I got from participation in this group is feeling understood by other stem related majors.

    • Christian Lozano

      Yeah, it’s nice being with a group of people with similar interests. I would recommend looking at clubs related to your interests at the school. I can’t guarantee they’ll be good but it’s a good place to start.

  3. Julio Verdugo

    I felt nervous since I don’t really like talking to multiple people but after some time where instead of it being a work team it turned to actual friendships and they constantly asked if I’m fine and stuff i felt more comfortable and apart of the group benefits I got from participating is not being so scared to speak out I guess.

    • Christian Lozano

      It’s really just about knowing how to reach out to people even if you’re uncomfortable doing so. It’s an important skill because it’s not easy to get to know people and make lasting friendships once you’re in college.

  4. Nour Bahlool

    when I first joined a group I felt nervous but eventually calmed myself with the calming thought that everyone probably feels the same way as me. A moment when I felt part of the group is when we were all saying our responses and everyone had the same/similar experiences. The benefits I got was feeling less alone and more confident to speak up and share my thoughts and feelings because most likely people felt the same and want to say the same thing.

    • Christian Lozano

      Most of the time people feel the same way towards interacting with a new group and it just takes one person to break the ice for everyone to get comfortable.

  5. Elina

    The first time I joined my fashion class I felt intimidated by people’s work. I didn’t feel like I was as good as my peers. Once I actually got to know everybody, my classmates were kind and eager to help one another. To this day me end all my classmates are friends because we grew a strong bond through our love for fashion. What I benefited the most is making amazing friends and learning new skills from the people around me in order to enhance my work.

    • David Mendez Medina

      That’s awesome how you grew a bond with all your classmates. I also had a similar experience going into my major, I thought I was not going going to be good enough and I thought I was not going to make it through. The people I met though were amazing they really helped me and I developed as a person because of them. Hopefully you find more people to help you as college can get tough but as long as you have the right people the good times will be worth it.

  6. fayzah

    I was anxious because I don’t enjoy conversing with lots of people, but after a while, the group became more like a friendship than a work team, and they kept asking how I was doing. I also felt like I belonged when we were all sharing our answers and realizing that we had all gone through similar or identical experiences. I suppose what I learned by taking part is to not be so afraid to speak up.

  7. Shannel

    I felt quite uneasy just due to the fact that I was in a new surrounding with new people which is normal but as time passed and conversations were created that feeling slowly subsided as I got comfortable with the presence of the induvial in my group. A benefit I got from participating in a group was seeing things from a different perspective, working in a group also helped enhance my people skills.

    • David Mendez Medina

      As someone who used to have social anxiety over the littlest things I get that. It’s not easy being someplace new but you slowly learn and get comfortable with your surroundings.

  8. Christopher Ortega

    When I was a freshman in high school, I joined the broadcasting club. I was really nervous about joining, especially me being new to high school and not knowing anybody. But a specific day made me feel part of the group. It was a Christmas tree lighting on my campus and the club had to be there. I didn’t have to go, but I chose to stay and I had a fun time. I feel like what I learned from joining a club is not to be shy and talk to people because they can always help you out in the long run.

  9. wendy lopez

    I felt a little anxious when i first joined The Garden Apprentice Program, there were new faces and i automatically felt nervous. I recall a moment when we were talking about ideas we had for our spring garden beds and i knew that i was part of the group. I gained a lot of knowledge and patience by participating in the group.

  10. Emily

    Because I am a very shy person, I felt very nervous and anxious when I worked at a summer youth program. There were many interns present, including myself. When we had our first meeting, the leaders would play an icebreaker game and have us all introduce ourselves. We shared many similarities because it was our first time working with children and we faced many of the same challenges. This allowed me to relax and become more comfortable. Everyone was friendly and eager to assist you in any way they could. I was able to make friends and find new opportunities through other after-school programs.

  11. Eshal

    It was my first time in a workplace through syep and I felt really nervous and overwhelmed to do a good job so I was quiet and shy. I felt as though I was part of a group when I met these three other workers around my age and we instantly became friends on the first day we met, they made me feel less nervous and I didn’t dread going to work since I knew I had someone to talk to. Through this I was able to make new friends and I felt as though I could get over being shy little by little, I got work experience and felt as though my summer was productive since I didn’t sit around but work those weeks

  12. Kaylin

    I am a very shy person. So any time i’m meeting a new person or people i always tend to get nervous. As a freshman in highschool joining the softball team i was meeting girls who were bigger & older then me which was kind of nerve wracking but as time passed we grew bonds, more like a sisterhood. They never made any of us feel left out. Being on the softball team throughout my 4 years of highschool benefited me in many different ways.

  13. Chitra Dehol

    My freshman year of high school i was in the theater program where every week atleast two times you got to go in the auditorium and act it was all depends on the task the teacher give us. I was really hesitant about this because i am not good at socializing with people and sometimes you gotta do it infront of all of your classmates and i was really shy. But the good thing about it i had this friend that was really friendly she got me through this. I benefit credit by taking this class

  14. Chitra Dehol

    My freshman year of high school i was in the theater program where every week atleast two times you got to go in the auditorium and act it was all depends on the task the teacher give us. I was really hesitant about this because i am not good at socializing with people and sometimes you gotta do it infront of all of your classmates and i was really shy. But the good thing about it i had this friend that was really friendly she got me through this. I benefit credit by taking this class

  15. Mishelle Zayas

    During the summer I worked at a summer camp and I needed to do training with other people that were part of my group at the camp. And I was anxious because it was my first time and I didn’t know anyone. I started to feel like part of the group when we did team building exercises and started to know everyone. Some benefits from this group is I had a great time in the summer and made some new friends.

  16. Jaylin

    When I first joined my highschool basketball team I was nervous and confident . The time I recall feeling apart of the group is when I fist started the team they made me feel welcomed and wanted and never felt left out of anything . The benefits I got from participating in the group is credits and not only that a family that is willing to help you and push you and motivate you a lot .

  17. Makayla

    I was a part of the gender studies club in high school. It was fun to discuss and talk about the different issues each gender faces and what can be done about those problems It was nice to hear my peers opinion on this topic, as well as get together as a group once a week

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