Lab report 11-13-2014 – Zohaib.H

Title: Interactive frame.

Materials: Sound files.

Objective: Create a sound file that we want to play for the interactive frame.

Method: I have found a few bird sounds that I think sound good and I will now use the power of magic (audacity) to edit these sound files to create a master sound file which will have the effect of birds flying away, or that’s the plan for now anyway. I will have this done before the next class hopefully.

Results: Five sound files obtained from a link to all individual files will be posted later on.

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robot controlled moving light

Michael Sbrocchi- LEDs/ programming

Ben Sternhell – Motors and yoke and programming

Sabin Visan – Robot Rover and Programing


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Members: Xue Min Pan, Alessandro Lombardo Jr., Andrew Di Lapi

Our project idea is Controlled an Arduino robot with motors with Android app via Bluetooth.

Part list:

1 Arduino Uno

1 Breadboard

4 Batteries

Jumper cables

1 USB cable

Things we need to buy:

Magician Chassis

Motor driver

Bluetooth slave

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Hamster Sphere Game

Team Members:
Andre Gabriel: The Constructor
Matthew Soto: The Designer
Suly Paredes: The Programmer

Our project will be a mini game for two players. The objective is to have one player move the Hamster SphereĀ around with one Wiimote and the other player will try to stop the ball from rolling or hovering, depending on which final design we keep.

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Final Project.

I was looking around other peoples ideas and I came across Diane’s proposal and I find it interesting. She needs someoneĀ to create a 3d model of a frame Ā for her “interactive picture frame” that plays a sound of birds when someone approaches it. The project will require some sort of sensor an arduino board and a mp3 shield and an on and off button. I think I can design a frame for her project using blender and we can print it out using the 3d printer since I have experience working with the 3d printer and blender. I’ve already talked to Diane about working on her project and I think we may need one more person.

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Final Project Proposal

I intend to make an interactive picture frame that will play the sound of birds flying away when someone approaches it. So far, it seems that this project will need an ultrasonic sensor, an Arduino UNO motherboard, a MP3 shield with 3W stereo Amp, an ON/OFF button and a 3D printed frame (glasses and the picture).

Zohe will work on the design and assembly of the frame.

We are looking for someone that will help us to create stereo sound.

My idea is to give this picture frame to friends so, obviously, I want to keep the final product and I will be responsible for all the expenses. Also, if it is possible, it would be great to have it done by Dec 12th.

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Darya: proposal draft ‘Interactive sound table’

My project is based on interactive systems and sensors. It’s an interactive sound table which allows to control sound and volume with your hands. Table will also change colors and brightness depending on your hand motions. You won’t need to touch the table it will understand your motions on a distance. The best part of this project is that your will be able to program it as you want. It can be a drum table or you can put there different instruments and play on them together. Ideally I want to make it with different functions for sounds and lights and to install a button to switch between options. Also there will be button for turning on and off the table.



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Matthew Soto Proposal Draft


Back in the days of the early arcades, there were so many good games. Some of these games use joysticks, but others used more technological devices known as a light gun. Nowadays, it seems as though the light gun genre is starting to fade. Less light guns are being made and are now being replaced by motion controls like the wii mote and the playstation move, which have plastic shells in which you put the controller into. But lets be honest as gamer we like to feel amerced into our games. Go back to the days of the NES and itsā€™ light gun and even the old arcade games, you feel like you really in the game shooting at enemies not like how today gamers sit down and use a controller to shoot enemies. My idea for a project is to revive the light gun genre by creating an original light gun using arduino in order to have gamers the emersion that light guns use to make gamers feel back in the day. Maybe with this project we may not be able to make the coolest looking gun, but we understand light guns work and how to innovate the light gun controller for future generations.

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Final Project Proposal

My idea is to program Arduino to be able to play simple finger games by itself. It would have at least one sticky copper tape and one switch. I found this video online about a person Valentin Heun, using an Arduino to play Timber-man, that inspired me to create an Arduino related project with games. My first step would be looking for a simple one or two fingers mobile game. Step two, look for any resources that are necessary for this project. The final step, combining everything together to make a hacking device for games!!!

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Final Project- DFRobotShop Rover V2

The final project I would like to do is create a rover that will either be controlled via Bluetooth using your cellphone, Xbox Remote and Ā other remotes or I would like the robot to be controlled using a flash light by having the rover follow the light from the flashlight. I have already bought a rover from a website called RobotShop, the Rover comes with a lithium portable battery, custom made Arduino board and a Bluetooth for the Arduino board.


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