Juan C and Sam Y Analog/Digital Output Arduino Lab 10/02/2014

Objective: Make an interactive device with sensors, controllers and actuators using the Arduino circuit board.

Materials: Arduino Deci Milinova(2009), USB Mini cable, Arduino Software 1.0.6, Red and Yellow LED’s, Potentiometer, PC

Methods: We assembled and experimented with different configurations of the Arduino Deci Milinova combining the materials above. Using the “analog out” example within the Arduino software to begin our experiments, we then experimented with the digital “button”output example using the potentiometer rather than a button. Experiments were attempted to make changes on how the controller works by making changes in the hardware connections and in the software as well.

Results: We ran into some problems in the beginning with the software running too slow, restarting the PC fixed the issue. We wired the potentiometer and LED following the instructions on the examples. The configuration lights up the LED on a clockwise direction. Flipping the ground and hot wires will reverses(counter clockwise) the direction in which the LED turns on. The same was done but this time we changed the code on line  outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255 and swapped 255 and 0. When wiring the pot with the digital environment the pot worked like a button as it only turned the light on/off no dimming.



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