Lab report 10/2/2014 – Zohaib/Sabin/Daiane

Objective: Make a fully functional device that works with a sensor(potentiometer), an actuator(LED) and a controller(arduino).

Materials: ArduinoUNO mother board, Potentiometer and LED.

Method: We connected the LED short pin to the ground and long goes to pin 9. For the potentitometer we connected red wire to 3V, the center pin to analog 0, and the other pin to ground. We swapped the pins that were in 3V and A0 changed the functionality of the potentiometer so it reverted the direction of turning to maximum and minimum.  On the first attempt we had a short due to faulty potentiometer when we turned the dial all the way to the maximum. That issue was resolved easily by replacing the potentiometer and using a new one instead. Then we swapped the wires on the board and also changed the code to revert the direction of turning to maximum and minimum.

Results: We got the potentiometer and the LED working. We were able to adjust the brightness of the LED using the potentiometer. SUCCESS!!!

Discussion: For the next thing we would like to use this example to figure out what we want to do with the future projects and incorporate the same methods to control volume using the potentiometer.

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