Arcade Buttons Juan Correa 10/05/2014

Arcade buttons

For my culmination project I will need to have buttons, so I decided to research arcade buttons as an actual option. I’m looking at these because they are common and recognizable but also very attractive you could say they are just asking to be pushed which would draw people to my project. Below is a brief description of how these work and you can check out the picture below as well.

Arcade button Schematic

Modern arcade gaming buttons (push-buttons) consist of three main components; they have a hollow cylinder body with a rim that rests on a surface, a plunger which is a rooted face that gets pushed, and a switch; the plunger slides in the cylinder into a switch attached at the base of the cylinder. Some models contain an extra spring, but usually the tension in the switch is enough to reflect the plunger. The body has either flexing grooves or spiral grooves (along with a nut) for securing it to a panel.

I got this information on  ( here are instructions on how to build your own arcade joystick controller

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