Monthly Archives: December 2013

Week 15 Journal

It looks like our project is progressing well due to a collaborative effort by all teammates. It was discover early in the project that assigning individual task would not work in all aspects of this model because some steps had … Continue reading

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Week 15 – Wiring COMPLETE! (Not a bomb)

The Jacket [pictured inside out]:  I finally got a HUGE bulk of the wiring on the jacket done (99.9%) — the rest will be done tomorrow when I get the connector I need. What’s about the jacket’s design is that … Continue reading

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Week 15 Journal

This week our group made a demo video of our jacket which is up and running. I basically have taken charge of most of the media for our group (pics for documentary, music for videos, ideas for documentation). Right now … Continue reading

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Week 13 – Quadcopter Update

We finally got the new remote controller, and we finally realized that we may have a loose connection on the quadcopter. We are still examining it and hopefully we can get it to fly by next week. We have also … Continue reading

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WEEK 15 Journal Entry : John Moya

At this moment, the project its going well, all the components such as the Arduino board, LED lights, wave-shield board, amplifier, speaker, motion sensors and servo motors are already working , installed inside the bunny and tested which make make … Continue reading

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example quiz for studying purposes

This is an example of a past quiz that you can use for studying.     The following code example has  problems 🙁 Circle the specific areas of the code that are obviously not right. If a given line of … Continue reading

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Extra Post (Non-Newtonian Liquid)

I don’t usually post anything else other than journal entries and lab reports but I was blown away by this video.

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Week 15 Journal Entry

FINALLY! This past Saturday our group met for most of the day at school to work on our project. At this point and time it is safe to say that submarines are a real pain in the ass.  And I’m … Continue reading

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Week 15 Journal Entry

This week, we made some progress with the quad rotor. We got the code for the accelerometer working on the arduino board. We also received our new remote in the mail this week. This upcoming week, we would like to test our … Continue reading

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Week 15 Journal Entry – Hell Bunny – Final Stages

This week we completed a lot of steps of the Hell Bunny hardware part of the project. First, I soldered the entire circuit together, creating the most reliable connection and eliminating the breadboard. I divided this task into the following … Continue reading

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