Lab 3- Servomotors and Potentiometer

Objective-  Control a Servomoter with a knob with the goal.


1.     Arduino

2.     Servomotor

3.     Jumper Cables

4.     Knob

5.     USB Cable


1.     We got our materials.

2.     We tested the arduino with the blink code.

3.     The blink code worked, we then tested it to blink faster.

4.     The fast blink worked.

5.     We then started to hook up the Potentiometer and the Servomotor to the Arduino

6.     We added the code to the Arduino.

7.     We were successful with controlling the Servomotor with the Potentiometer (knob)

8.     We are now going to attempt make the knob and motor go in opposite directions.

9.     It took a couple of attempts, but we were successful.

Results: We were successful with controlling a Servomotor with a Pontentiometer and then we changed the code and we were able to turn the knob clockwise and the Servomotor going counter-clockwise.

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