Week 2 – journal entry

I have two parts to my post today – and they are quite different.

The first is something that I found when I googled “interactive art & Arduino”. The photograph below is of an installation projected on a building using a light painter made using the following:

-an Arduino-powered controller to change brushes and colors
– a gamepad to animate the drawing
– a laptop to control everything
– and a projector.

arduino art dj project

I think it is amazing.  One person creates pictures using a  controller and drawing tablet and then a second individual animates it with a gamepad. The people who made the one pictured above called it a Tagtool. I really like it because of the potential that exists as a result of the various interactions. The building, which is generally considered static, takes on new life. I’m also attracted to its impermanence. It’s made in an instant – and then just as quickly it’s gone.

Here’s a drawing of how it is wired together.


But if you aren’t going to make something beautiful then go for revolution.

That’s why my dream project isn’t art based. Instead I would like to make something designed for a very specific use. I would like to make a submarine with an EMP transmitter on it. The purpose of the transmitter would be to disrupt the electrical functions and equipment of small vessels.  Once made, it could aid greatly in harassing ships engaged in illegal fishing practices.

I’m sure it can be done but I think that the hardest part will be ensuring that the transmitter doesn’t not disable the sub itself AND making sure that it has enough range to make sure that the people operating it remain undetected.  Kind of like urban warfare but underwater.






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3 Responses to Week 2 – journal entry

  1. Frank Mason says:

    Hey Stephanie I really like the project you found about creating light and art shows with the help of Arduino. It really goes to show you that separate, technology and art are creative and have always been pushing the boundaries for what can be made with the human mind. But together, there is simply an endless amount of possibilities out there and both can help to enhance the creativity of one another. It could also become the platform for creating technologies never conceived in their individual worlds. I would like to ask though, have you ever thought about something you would like to make using this technology you found?

    I really like your idea of using EMP’s on ships to prevent illegal fishing in concept. It could save many species from being put on the endangered species list and eventually becoming extinct partly because of human action. However, in execution, there is a dark side to that notion. Unfortunately, there is no telling whether using that device wouldn’t just kill all of the aquatic life you are trying to protect. Plus, let’s say that the people you are trying to stop also have an EMP device of their own, with that in mind they could try to stop you before you stop them. Furthermore, I believe that on a global scale, I fear an EMP device could be used to create more conflict between nations simply because they have something that can make any industrialized nation go into the stone age with the click of a button.

  2. stephanie s says:

    Frank, I found your comments extremely insightful and helpful. Let’s talk!

  3. Jorge Lara says:

    Projection Mapping has become a very trendy activity, no longer limited to the artist circles. There’s many theaters today that with a set of projectors are creating 3d environments and interacting with them in theaters and plays. The arduino is very popular when setting up lighting displays with some kind of special effect to make it interactive and innovative. Architects and interior designers are learning how to use a projector and software to map an area and try out different ideas before they actually do them. They can give their customers and idea as how things will look after they finish. I love projection mapping, although it’s still obscure, and no one is saying anything about it, tricks of the trade. I spent the last semester researching and taking a few weekend courses to learn as much as I could about it. But like many trends it’s an art form supported by technology it will rapidly evolve, new uses will arise, and a practical application will benefit from the experience, I hope.

    AntiVj is a famous Video Mapping Artist check out his link.


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