week 2 post

This week we learned about the creation of the Arduino. I find it really amazing how a simple idea started to help the students of the teachers save some money and learn something new has turned into this amazing piece of technology that took off and changed a lot about how people learned about computers. I also really enjoyed the idea of futhering the spread of an open network. a way to spread everyone’s ideas and to have no limitations with it. I found it a little funny how the people who pushed for the free patents the most sold out but that is a discussion for another time.

For this class I think the project I would build will be a wireless controlled car. I would like to use it in this years haunted hotel and decorate it into a rat to use in the lobby of the school. It would look something like this.


One thing that I have been looking at that would help me in this project would be to get an Arduino Wi-Fi Shield to help connect to Wi-Fi so that I can control the car with a control like in the video. Some thing like this.



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