Journal 2: Stardate 09.06.2012

I’ve done some more research regarding the spider robot I spoke of in my last post. So far, I’ve deduced what kind of board to use as well as the parts required, power supply(maybe), ad some code to work off of. For boards, the most likely candidates will be either the Arduino Mega or the UNO. I’m leaning a bit in towards the Mega for it’s ability to handle more servo motors but that’s still up for debate. I did look at the robodruino which is said to be more suited for robotics but I don’t know, I digress. Parts as I’ve seen the many Youtube videos I’ve come across can range from many different things from actual metal to Popsicle sticks(I’m not kidding). I’ve created a growing playlist of youtube videos for reference:

I want to stick to four legs since everybody’s doing six legs just to be a bit different. In terms of power supply, I have no idea. I’ve seen people using soda can sized batteries and others using small AAA batteries so I have no idea how much energy this will take. Ideally, I want it to be small enough so that it can be placed on the body of the robot and not be dragged around on a wire but that’s all to be determined later. As for code to be used, I did find some code for the servo motors. It’s a good start so far.

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2 Responses to Journal 2: Stardate 09.06.2012

  1. Jonathan A. says:

    Just some creepy yet cool inspiration

  2. kimyoonshik says:

    Thank you for the great links guys. Roboduino’s products are cute, but DARPA is so scary. creepy. They will definitely put weapons on them right? or they did already…

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