GabbyB – Journal Entry 2 on 09/06/2012

Going forward with my Emotiv-Arduino audio project, I’ve come to re-establish the manner I plan to go about producing the desired effect.

  1. Using either GinSing or the built-in tone capabilities, program Arduino to play tones.
  2. Use the Emotiv headset and software to send thought-of notes to the Arduino
  3. Have Arduino play the notes when received.

GinSing is a library. Arduino has a tutorial for their tone capabilities.

For step two, I need to find out if Emotiv’s software can do this directly, or if there’s another program that needs to be an intermediary. I originally thought the headset could send to Arduino directly, but it appears not. At least, not so far. This may be something to look into in the future.

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3 Responses to GabbyB – Journal Entry 2 on 09/06/2012

  1. weren’t you having a problem before just getting the headset to connect to the computer or have you already fixed that?

    • Gabby B. says:

      Yeah, I was, and still am. But I was just readjusting the plan for now.

      Need a computer with the software installed for the headset to be recognized. There had been a hope/wish that it could run without it, but that didn’t happen.

  2. Michelle K says:

    I was thinking of doing something similar to this- though instead of using your inner thoughts, I was thinking of using what you sing, and maybe have the Arduino convert it into musical notation. You could totally hide Easter Eggs in this, like if you think a specific pitch, the Arduino does something extra special.

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