Week One So it begins

Hello blog. My name is Jonathan and for this class, in and out of physical computing I hope to learn how to make many of the little ideas I have in my head. I have experience with java and python, while programing may not be my forte I can say I have a solid background in graphics (Photoshop, Illustrator) and I have a good foot in 3D modeling (blender, maya).
For this class I plan to make use the arduino and make some sort of wearable input device. The exterior with be made by the maker bot using a 3D model I plan on making and this device will use buttons and sliders as inputs.
If I manage to get this device to be made I hope to use it to control everything from volume to colors and hopefully make it wireless.

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2 Responses to Week One So it begins

  1. J.Seda says:

    Cool idea Jonathan. I would like to see this happen. Maybe even try to wear it after its done to see how it turned out!

  2. Michelle K says:

    This sounds pretty neat. I’ve seen shirts that measure your proximity to a wi-fi network and display a picture of it on the front. Maybe you could have some kind of visual output for your device, too. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about if you haven’t seen it: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/991e/?rkgid=275668648&cpg=ogpla&source=google_pla&gclid=CIH5idusnbICFUGo4AodMCQA6A

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