Student Mentoring

Strehl, E.*,  Hillstrom, J. & Her, P., & Cote, E. (2014, May). Effects of Positive Reframing on Emotional Stress and Well-being.  In Abstracts of the Emerging Scholars Program Research Projects (New York City College of Technology). Poster session presented at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn New York at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn, New York .

Hazelwood-Carter, K.*& Her, P. (2013, December). The Positive Parenting Project.  Assisted and mentored Child Psychology student to submit a CUNY Diversity Development Grant focused on STEM students (Exhibit 17.2.9). Also, wrote and recommended Ms. Hazelwood-Carter support letter to the School Psychology, UC Berkeley program where she is now a doctoral student

Strehl, E.*,  Hillstrom, J. & Her, P. (2013, December). Emotional Stress, Meaning-Making, and Well-Being.  In Abstracts of the Emerging Scholars Program Research Projects (New York City College of Technology). Poster session presented at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn New York at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn, New York.

Strehl, E.*,  Babmatee*, P. Hillstrom, J. & Her, P. (2013, May). Effects of Positive Reframing on Emotional Stress and Well-being.  In Abstracts of the Emerging Scholars Program Research Projects (New York City College of Technology). Poster session presented at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn New York at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn, New York

Strehl, E.*,  Babmatee*, P. Hillstrom, J. & Her, P. (2012, December). Emotional Stress, Meaning-Making, and Well-Being.  In Abstracts of the Emerging Scholars Program Research Projects (New York City College of Technology). Poster session presented at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn New York at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn, New York.

Strehl, E.*,  Babmatee*, P. Hillstrom, J. & Her, P. (2012, December). Emotional Stress, Meaning-Making, and Well-Being.  In Abstracts of the Emerging Scholars Program Research Projects (New York City College of Technology). Poster session presented at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn New York at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn, New York.

Neroulias, K.*,  Babmatee*, P. Hillstrom, J. & Her, P. (2012, May). Emotional Stress, Meaning-Making, and Well-Being.  In Abstracts of the Emerging Scholars Program Research Projects (New York City College of Technology). Poster presented at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn New York at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn, New York.

Neroulias, K. *, Hillstrom, J. E. & Her, P. (2011, Fall). Emotional Stress, Meaning-Making, and Well-Being.  In Abstracts of the Emerging Scholars Program Research Projects (New York City College of Technology). Poster presented at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn New York at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn, New York.

Romanyshyn, O*, & Her, P. (2011, Fall). Cognitive appraisals in relation to trauma adaptation.  In Abstracts of the Emerging Scholars Program Research Projects (New York City College of Technology). Poster presented at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn New York at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn, New York.

Romanyshyn, O.*, & Oakley, N.*, & Her, P. (2010, Spring). Emotional and Religious Processing in Relation to Trauma Adaptation. In Abstracts of the Emerging Scholars Program Research Projects (New York City College of Technology). Poster presented at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn New York at the Honors and Emerging Scholar’s Poster Presentation, City Tech, Brooklyn, New York.

* Undergraduate co-authors